234 - What number is this!

445 18 0

What number is this!

"Guys, sign here before you change."

What Kim Myung-jin presented was a group poster for this concert. Ian did as he ordered and signed his face on the poster.

"But why is this? Who wants it?"

"It will be hung here in the hallway archive zone."

"Is there anything like that?"

After Ian, the members who were signing autographs raised their heads. Kim Myeong-jin, who confirmed the confused expressions of the members, grinned.

"Do you want to go see it?"

Following Kim Myung-jin, the members looked at the poster of another singer on the wall. They were all the people who performed at this venue.

"Oh, Jupiter."

"There is also MyDear."

At the end of the singers whose names you would know, Awy was also caught side by side. The fact made them feel good, so the members burst out laughing.

"Are we going to get caught here?"

"I don't know."

At that time, the concert hall staff who had been watching from a distance approached cautiously.

"Do you want it now?"

"Is that okay?"

"Yes, the frames are prepared in advance."

"Thank you!"

The photo frame prepared by the concert hall was not made by custom order, and it was possible because Awy's poster and the poster hanging next to it were all the same size.

They didn't wait long, because the staff hung up Awy's autographed poster on the wall.


"It's like being on a hall of fame."

Even in a year, dozens of idol groups pour in, and among them, there were many groups that disappeared after less than a year.

Of the groups that debuted in the same year as Awy, few survived.

[The idols who performed here are in the top 10.]

Everyone knew how difficult it was to grow enough to fill a concert hall of this size.

[You guys are lucky. Of course, you know there's a reason I recommended this company to you, right?]

'Well... .'

[Hey, say so quickly.]

He couldn't explain it simply as luck. Fortunately, there were no idols from large agencies at the time of their debut, so it might be because the members are talented or because the agency supports them well... .

"... Since we're having our last concert today, can we sing a long encore?"

The most certain thing is that they're able to come this far because of the fans.

The members nodded at Ian's self-talk.

"It is possible."

"Shouldn't we ask Myung-jin hyung first?"

If possible, let's not pass the last train."

The members who took a step back stared at their faces in the poster for a long time.

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