276 - American Got Idol. (6)

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American Got Idol. (6)

After sending the dropouts, Ian headed to the auditorium where they started filming. They had already set up the first passers and started explaining the next evaluation.

"*You survived unharmed."

Kaiser Fischer's low voice echoed throughout the auditorium. Ian quietly entered and stood next to Natalie Bell. She said softly.

"*Where have you been?"

"*Just a moment outside."

Ian looked at the participants with a nonchalant expression.

"*The subject of the second evaluation is 'team'."

In the second evaluation, groups are randomly formed to perform one task. The assignment is the same as the first evaluation. They designate team choreography and songs, and although skills are skills, they'll see how well they can blend into the group life while working together.

"*Trainers are just a role to help you when you're really having a hard time, and you should do it yourself while communicating with the group members to decide the part or learn the choreography and movement."

"*Remember. Assignments are not individual competitions. It is to see harmony, cooperation and consideration among group members."

said Christopher Brooks, standing next to Kaiser Fischer. Participants moistened their dry lips with nervous faces.

"*The group will be released right now."

Groups were randomly being created on a large screen behind the judges. The participants groaned.

"*I hope you all survive to the end."

The recording ended with Natalie Bell's words.

* * *

The group members were assigned accommodations and gave free time for the day. In the meantime, the judges went to a restaurant for dinner.

"*I didn't know that the dropouts would leave so quickly. Lastly, I wanted to see their face... ."

"*I was surprised too. Isaac, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Ian was quick to notice and was able to see them off, but the other judges came to their senses and only heard that the bus carrying the dropouts had left.

Natalie Bell and Christopher Brooks did not hide their disappointment. The production team led them in advance because they wanted to finish filming quickly.

During the two weeks, the contestants quickly became close, and so did the judges.

"*Liam, what about him? I think he can make it to the finals... ."

"*Liam Diaz, good skills... he can grow more, but being lazy is the problem."

"*Come to think of it, Isaac was humming because he liked the image of a lazy prodigy."

"*What is a broadcasting station?"

After finishing the meal, they continued to talk about the participants while drinking wine.

"*I like David Gray, I love the tone."

"*Dancing is impossible without Jaden Morales."

"*All of them are 'Got Pass'."

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