281 - Maybe I'll see you on stage someday

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Maybe I'll see you on stage someday.

"So, where are we going?"

"I'm hungry, let's eat."

"There was a restaurant in front. Go from there?"

After the broadcast, Awy was scheduled to return to Korea after a short vacation in the United States.

"*Oh? What? Awy?"

"*'American Got Idol'!"

Ian, who had been spending time with the members for the first time in a while, could not stop the people who recognized him and passed by, as well as the local Awydom.

If you can't avoid it, enjoy it, the members sitting in their seats, not caring about the people gathered nearby, looked at Ian.

"Did you see the reaction on the broadcast? Korean sites are also going crazy."

"I saw it."

Just the fact that Ian appeared on the show had a huge impact on 'American God Idol' in Korea, and when the controversy over Kaiser Fischer's racial discrimination broke out, Korean reporters spread articles almost in real time.

-No, iron performance was good. What a bummer.

- The winning team debuted, but if the runner-up debuted too, wouldn't it be a big deal?

-As expected, Awy is good at it.

- I think I'm going to become a fan of Iron.

-Josh Perez My Star is out!

While the fan base supporting the winning teams 'New Moon' and 'Iron' were arguing over the results, when Kaiser Fischer's racial discrimination controversy came out, each of them solved the racism rumors they had experienced overseas, and the United States still did not recognize other races. Many words were exchanged, such as saying that Korea is too far away and that Korea is also racist.



"You didn't mean it, did you?"

"Did I?"

At Lee Ju-hyuk's question, Ian smiled. Although there are doubters, he himself did not intentionally mix races.

Lee Ju-hyuk asked this question because the situation was strangely going in favor of Ian and Awy.

"What happened to me because I was avoiding the ones the Kaiser picked first? And our kids were good at it."


Kaiser Fischer's 'New Moon' did not overwhelmingly beat 'Iron'. Rather, in terms of skills, both teams could not cover the superiority and inferiority.

-iron have nothing to bow down to in terms of skills or appearance, so why did they get eliminated?

-The Asian-picked multiracial team must have offended white people.

-But don't swear at 'New Moon', they're poor white people caught by Kaiser Fischer.

-Right, don't hit "New Moon". They did a good job, too.

The only thing Ian was worried about in a situation that was growing out of control was that public opinion would flow in the direction of shielding the participants who are just starting out or excessively criticizing the 'New Moon'.

Kaiser Fischer 'remains silent' on racism controversy

There is a need to show the voting results of 'American God Idol' transparently

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