207 - Hey, the other team is no joke

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Hey, the other team is no joke.

"I think this is kind of familiar?"

"Is that so?"

Lee Ju-hyuk, who put his chin on the desk, entered the music site. After searching for music a few times, he played one song. It was similar to the familiar melody that Kim Hyun just hummed.

"Oh, that's it."

Kim Hyun wrapped his head and leaned against the backrest. The chair leaned back gently.

"Oh, it's hard. How did you do this?""

"You'll get used to it."

"Talents are really..."

Lee Ju-hyuk, who heard Kim Hyun's murmur, made a complex expression.

"Nothing much. You'll improve if you keep studying."

"Is that so?"

"First of all, don't be tied to formalities and do it freely. You can just hit the floor to make a rhythm, or if it's hard to play the drums, you can beat it with the frying pan and chopsticks."


Lee Ju-hyuk presented a new solution. Kim Hyun still looked puzzled, but Ian, who remembered something, tapped his thigh.

"Isn't it okay not to go to the kitchen?"

"Oh, that was just nice. Just get into the rhythm like that."

Ian, who was making a rhythm by mixing applause, jumped up and hit the wall, scratched the bed, and put in the sound of the quilt shaking.

"He's crazy, too."

Kim Hyun said so, but copied Ian. After tapping a few times, he seemed to have a pretty good rhythm.

"Like this?"

"Hyun has a good sense, too. Don't you think it'll be okay if we go with a complete band sound?"

Lee Ju-hyuk took an acoustic guitar and hit the body of the guitar without plucking the strings. Adding a breezy ringing sound enriched the sound.

"Are we recording this?""

Lee Ju-hyuk nodded to Ian's question.

'It's fun.'

As each person was beating something in a trance, a laugh popped out.

"Good! One more time!"

Lee Ju-hyuk shouted in excitement, and Kim Hyun, who was playful, took out the fixed drum cymbal and placed it on Ian's head.

"Oh, hyung!"

Ian protested but did not put down the drum cymbal on his head. Choi Jimin came in while they're making a rhythm like that and laughing at each other.

"Oh? Hyungs, the mentors are here!"

Ian, holding the drum symbol on his head, shouted when he found Choi Ji-min standing blankly at the front door.

They stood side by side and bowed to Choi Ji-min.


"Uh... yes, hello. You were doing something fun."

As soon as Choi Jimin tried to take off his shoes and enter, Kim Hyun quickly approached and removed the chopsticks lying around near the entrance.

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