204 - How do we do busking?

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How do we do busking?

"What do you think?"

"I think it's just you. It's so obvious."


Ian flopped down on the floor of the practice room with a sound of weakness. Jo Tae-woong also said as he sat next to Ian.

"Honestly, won't they not be convinced that it's us even if they notice our voices?""

"But there's no harm in being careful."

The Awy members were spending time in the practice room for the masked busking of 'Our Time'.

"Why don't we do this here?"

"But I heard we're wearing doll masks. Is this possible?"

"That's too much? Wouldn't it possible if you only wear a mask and don't wear clothes?""

Kim Ju-yeong and Kim Hyun were also creating choreography in front of the mirror, while Lee Ju-hyuk and Park Jin-hyuk were sitting on chairs and writing rap lyrics on paper.

Mask busking is a performance with a mask on so that passers-by does not notice that the one performing are the members of Awy. They are going to perform at a busking place where they each did when they were trainees, and at night, they are going to do a joint busking with seven people.

Kim Ju-yeong and Kim Hyun were scheduled to perform dance performances, Lee Ju-hyuk and Park Jin-hyuk were scheduled to rap, and Ian, Jo Tae-woong and Park Seo-dam were scheduled to perform singing performances. However, each voice tone and style were clear, so it was necessary to change their voices to some extent.

"What about me?"

"Sing it."

Ian and Jo Tae-woong closed their eyes and listened to Park Seo-dam's song. Park Seo-dam abandoned his unique low-pitched style and changed his voice tone.

"It's Park Seo Dam..."

"I know."

"Is it that obvious?"

The introduction was not obvious, but it was inevitable that his own style popped out while continuing to sing.

Anyone who has heard Awy's song would say, 'Huh? Maybe?' It was a song that people who might know would be able to notice.

"Oh, it's hard."

"Can't we use a fake microphone?"

"I don't think it's going to be fun to listen to."

It doesn't work out as you want, so you can't concentrate and do something else. Finally, lying side by side in the corner of the practice room, they stared blankly at the ceiling.

"What did you decide to compose?""

Park Seo-dam raised his head and looked alternately at Jo Tae-woong and Ian lying on both sides.

"We? We decided to choose our favorite song style and choose the concept while listening to it. Kim Ju-yeong whined like that but did everything he could."

"He's a real coward."

As Ian smirked and spoke, Kim Ju-yeong, who was practicing dance moves at the right timing, fixed his eyes toward Ian.

"What about Ian's?"

"We decided to work together during the training camp. It's not that Hyun doesn't know at all, but he's done it a few times."

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