257 - K-pop idol training system

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"Ahhh... ."

Is this also a strategic use of the paparazzi?

Ian walked side by side with Park Dong-soo and headed to the meeting place. . It is said that the restaurant's terrace seats were reserved so that paparazzi could be taken openly.

"But will it be the same as Kaiser Fischer's broadcast, hyung?"

"It is said that Isaac is very gentlemanly, but are all the images of vitriols on the air a concept?"

"It could be. Oh, should I catch a character too?"

"Even if you don't have to pick a character, I think you can act like Woo Sang-Yuni.""

Is that so? Ian stretched all the way and made a sound of pain.

As they neared the restaurant, someone called Ian behind his back. It was Isaac Cooper and Kaiser Fischer.

"*Hello, Mr. Fischer."

"*Ian, feel free to call me Kaiser."

As he heard from Park Dong-soo, there was a middle-aged man in front of him with an attractive soft smile.

'Still, the spirit is great... . In this age?'

[He's a famous American producer and a genius in show business. The atmosphere is not a joke.]

When Ian glanced behind Kaiser Fischer's back, the paparazzi who had been following recognized Ian and pressed the extended shutter.

"*Congratulations on winning the American Music Awards. I also watched Awy's stage well."

"*thank you. It's awkward to see someone I used to only see on TV when I was young."

"*What is it, we will meet a lot in the future."

'American Got Idol' had a training camp period of over two months. Ian also decided to help with training while staying with the participants.

"*I hope you find a good gem in 'American Got Idol'."

"*Is it okay for Kaiser to pick out that rough stone and me to make it look pretty?"

"*You know that."

Ian responded with a joke, and Kaiser Fischer grinned.

And the contestant finally selected from Agata under "American God Idol" was scheduled to enter Kaiser Fischer's agency and work on a comeback album.

After a brief greeting with Park Dong-soo, the paparazzi openly started taking pictures of them even while they are sitting down to eat.

"*I'm so sorry for this."

"*Ah, it's okay. Because this is everyday."

Ian wish he didn't know, but it was okay because there were things he didn't want to call sasaeng fans.

"*From a producer's point of view, the K-pop system was very interesting. As you know, I have had a failure experience once."

"*Failure. Weren't their grades okay though?"

"*It didn't come out as well as expected. So, what is the secret to being able to perfectly manage both your skills and your personal life?"

To that question, Park Dong-soo and Ian scratched their cheeks at the same time. well... . Wouldn't it have been impossible if it weren't for the fan culture that had already been handed down from the first generation of idols?

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