"Jesus Armani, this is the third time," Dominico said, his voice louder in volume. "I'm actually about to drag Mira down here and lock you guys in a room until you hug it out."

I chuckled slightly. "It would be much more than hugging."

Dominico crinkled his nose. "That was an unnecessary amount of information."

I let the pen in my hand fall onto the shiny desk. "What is it that you wanted?"

Dominico laughed almost mockingly, "So now you want to listen?" he asked, which caused me to narrow my eyes impatiently. Dominico nodded curtly before saying, "We need to figure out an outline of what to say at this Christmas event—we have a meeting to plan. Remember?"

His tone was still clipped and sarcastic but that was the last thing I was focused on. What struck me was how close this event was.

I didn't even care about how many things I had to take care of before the twenty-fourth, which was exactly a week away, it was instead, the idea of Miracle's job being done.

She wouldn't be tied to me anymore. She could leave if she wanted to.

"Okay, that's it," Dominico said, shaking his head as he backed away.

I stood from my desk, "No wait, let's handle it," I said, ushering him back over.

Dominico gave me a skeptical look, hesitantly walking back over to me. "And you'll actually listen and not zone out?"

I nodded reluctantly, "Yes Domi."

He nodded walking back over to my desk and sitting down in one of the plush leather chairs seated before it. "Good because we have exactly a week until the event."

Don't remind me.


With this event approaching quicker than anticipated, my work seems to be thinning out.

Which a lot of people would see as a good thing.

Not me though.

It only gives me time to reflect on my sister's abrupt visit and Armani's last words to me.

"I've been giving you your space, but at some point, we need to talk."

Oh, how desperately I wanted to talk. It's like I was self-sabotaging myself. Like deep down, even I knew that I don't deserve her.

It's almost like I'm purposefully punishing myself, which is something I've found that I do quite a lot—and enjoyably at that.

Maybe a piece of my sister lives inside me, punishing me for the most unknown reason.

"Ah Mira, how are you, sweetheart?" Stella said, forcing a smile from me as I stepped onto the elevator.

This is the last thing I needed.

Don't get me wrong, Stella's amazing, but her motherly love just tugs at my heart a little too harshly, and on top of that, she's currently reminding me of Armani.

I still feel bad for how I've been treating her recently.

"I'm well," I said, glancing toward the already illuminated button labeled eight. "And yourself?"

Stella nodded, "I'm good, just down here to remind Ani and Domi about dinner later," she said.

My heart actually stopped beating for a second, Armani was on the same level as me... the entire day?

Stella's eyes suddenly lit up, "Mira, you should join us for dinner."

I shook my head a few times, "Oh, I don't think that's necessary—"

"Don't be silly, we always have so much food left over. It would be a shame for it to go to waste," Stella said, gently grabbing one of my hands with her dark eyes pinned on me.

My mouth opened and closed a few times, unsure of how to say, well me and your daughter had a huge fight after almost having sex, but before we could, she saw the bruises on my inner thighs from where I burn—correction, used to burn myself, so I don't think dinner is a great idea.

However, instead of overbearing her with too much information, I said, "Yeah, okay?"

Even if my statement came out as a question, the woman smiled, "Perfect, I'll set a place at the table for you," she said, just as the doors glided open. "Ciao!" she said, exiting the elevator.

After standing there for a few seconds to process what I had just signed up for, the elevator doors began to shut, which prompted me to slide my arm between them and exit into the hall.

On the bright side, I hadn't seen Millicent all day, so that's always a plus.

But on the downside, I had just talked myself into a dinner with Armani and her family. Is there any possible way that this could go well, especially after what Armani's father pulled?

Probably not.

And on top of that, I'm almost one hundred percent sure that Stella wasn't aware of what he did either.

Oh and to add to that, there are still unresolved issues between Armani and me—leaving an awkward tension between us.

So it's safe to say, that I'm walking into a lion's den.

A MERRY MAFIA CHRISTMAS (GxG)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz