Ron came at that moment, though Adara and Cale did not pay much attention since they were focusing on the conversation before them.

Vice Captain Hilsman was worrying himself about the Knight's mutilated arm. "Are you sure? It looks fairly recent."

The Knight was pale and had a sickly look to him, but he waved the Vice Captain's thoughts away with his one hand. "As I said, it happened a while ago. I can fight with my left hand just as well."

"How did it happen?"

The Knights eyes narrowed. "That doesn't matter. Answer my question, what was everyone doing yesterday night?"

Hilsman, realising something was off with the Knight, answered, though with a suspicious gaze. "Yesterday, we had a party to relax after a long journey here. Everybody was drinking and relaxing. Nobody left the inn. But I still don't understand why someone from the Viscount's Estate would be curious about that."

The Knight smiled at Hilsman's suspicious gaze, the smile out of place with his narrowed eyes. "There was a thief that broke into the Viscount's villa yesterday. A couple other knights and I were on guard, but we lost a few precious items to the thief. After hearing that people from Count Henituse's estate were here in the village, we came to see if the thief had stolen from the Count as well."

Adara snorted softly at that. But I wonder what precious items you lost? she thought, mocking him. She smiled internally, taking a big gulp directly from the bottle, Cale was also drinking. But, the Knight let his eyes roam around the empty room before they settled on Cale and Adara. In his eyes, Adara could see first confusion, then admiration— people always had that reaction when they saw her at first, they said she was too pretty to be human, they were only half right—, then judgement as he realised what they were doing. Silly human, she thought. Your emotions are so clear in your eyes. I chopped one arm off, continue looking at me like that and I'll chop the other one off. She did not particularly care about people who looked down on her, she always made sure to get back at them anyway, but this was someone who had stood by when a baby lifeform was getting tortured. Someone like that could not dare look down on her simply because she was having a drink in the early morning.

Feeling her annoyance though her eyes were only unfocused and drunk, Cale talked to the Knight. "What are you looking at?"

The Knight's eyes turned embarrassed, as he bowed quickly and averted his gaze. The Vice Captain looked at the two. He sweatdropped. He was always okay-ish when the Young Master drank, he was only loud and he threw bottles at gangsters, but Adara always creeped him out, she was quiet and cold, her eyes icy. While Cale saw Adara's eyes as 'unfocused and drunk', everyone else saw them as dark and cold. Not that her eyes normally weren't, but it was common knowledge she was quieter when drunk, so that was the only time people had the courage to look her in the eyes. And while her eyes were normally dark and cold, they never saw the intensity of the cold, so to them, 'the unfocused' look, was cold while compared to her normal look, it was nothing. 

The Knight coughed fakely. It is his fault, Hilsman thought, knowing how scary the Young Mistress's gaze could be as he stared at the shady knight in front of him. He shouldn't have looked down on our Young Mistress, she can get rid of his other arm if she wanted to. He remembered how she had gone toe-to-toe with Choi Han and hadn't lost. He also remembered how she had said she was weak, he did not get how she could say that. "Our Young Master and Mistress are drinking because their day turns out better if they drink in the morning," he explained. "Furthermore, it is a hangover drink. They are the type of people who drink to cure their hangovers caused by drinking too much the night before." He gave a fake smile, still not trusting the Knight in front of him.

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