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I've become worried. Arwen and Agatha are nowhere to be found in the funeral. Marah didn't even know where they were called, she said that they were upstairs but which room?

Currently, we were having a short speech to our father from his friends and collogues of how much of a good person he was and his achievements in life. Some are just flowery words that doesn't mean anything at all, they just wanted to keep their profile to show how generous they are, nothing new. I was asked if I would also give him a farewell by Marcus earlier since the family members are also given a part to give a speech. Of course, I decline, as much as I might say something cliché, I'm sure that some others wouldn't like me standing in front and making a speech. I hate being the center of attention, it is better to be in the sidelines and say my farewell to my father in my mind. I'm sure that old man would understand.

I'm his son after all.

It was Victor's turn. Marah also didn't join since she was so emotional to be in front. Here I am holding her in my arms to calm her down while also waiting for Arwen and Agatha who are still nowhere to be found. I'm getting worried.

I watched Victor stare at the portrait of our father. I could see his eyes glistened under the light. He's holding his emotions back, unlucky for him, I could read his emotions so easily. I've known him since childhood, he had nothing to hide. If Arwen and Agatha were here, they for sure will point it out and complains for Victor having a brave front, thinking that it's cowardly. Which I also thought they were right. But then showing weakness to others who has high expectations to you, you'll be only looked down by them. As a future leader to this family, showing any signs of weakness will only pull you down.

We seek for the light that the gods enlightened. They say. Where are the strongest, there we are.

I brought my hands behind my back, taking a deep breath. I watched Victor deliver his speech, there were no falters, no hesitations. His words were only filled with the truth for our father. The father who took care of us that despite of his schedule, he'd still find a way to be with us and spends his time. The father who easily gets angry but has a sweet spot to us, his dear children. Every word Victor says had struck my heart, taking me to the days of a good morning where I could see our father smiling as he bask under the shining sun, his arms spread wide to accept us in his warmth. A memory that we would never get to experience again.

I held Marah tight as I felt a wave of emotions hit me. Victor is finally finishing his speech. Marah started to cry again and hid her face on my chest. I hugged her shaking body, whispering good things to her despite of my trembling voice.

Even with a mind of a man, I still can't help but feel like a broken child.

I stare at the portrait again.

"... You are a blessing..."

I smiled.




I decided not to follow the others and watch my father getting buried. I had told Victor before they have left. I also gave Marah to him and told him her situation. The conversation with him was a bit awkward since it has been a while since we talked. It was the time when I told him everything about me. It was surprising that we were able to talk normally.

"Are you sure that you are not coming?" Victor asked as he pulled Marah into his arms. His eyes were looking worried as he stared at me. He must have seen my eyes looking red right now. How embarrassing. He looked down at Marah then back to me. "I'm sure that Marah would prefer you to have company," He added. I scoffed at him.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now