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"Are you done yet?" Arwen said with a groan as he dragged himself to follow his twin around the shop. His hands were numb from holding three boxes of dresses that almost turned him blind because of the height. Even with him struggling, he still managed to continue and entertain his sister.

     "Three boxes are not enough!" Agatha replied, rummaging through a closet full of new dresses. She scoffs, seeing her brother in trouble, groaning while trying his best not to drop her prescious clothes. "Why don't you give that to that saleslady over there? I am sure you are going to lose your fingers if you continue."

     "Well, whose fault is that?!"

     Despite of Arwen complaining, he still called someone to take the boxes away and put it in the carriage. He could have just walked out along with the boxes but he still followed his sister, eyes roaming around, examining the dresses and their fabrics while ignoring Agatha's rants and squeals.

     Azazel told me to at least create a survey according to what Agatha likes, this is a good opportunity. Arwen thought. He looked up when he noticed Agatha stopping on her tracks, seeing something that caught her eye which he immediately followed.

     What they saw was an earring with an oval shaped lime-colored gem at the middle being held by golden vines, connecting to a white feather that hangs beneath it. It glowed magically as the light from the window shoned on its beauty. Arwen was mesmerized, almost forgetting his purpose as to why he is here but he managed to pull out from his trance when Agatha went to the accessory to check on it.

     Arwen followed and stood beside her. "Do you want this accessory?" He asked, reaching for the feather to carress it. If he were Agatha, he would buy it instantly though there is something that is bugging him. If he would get to buy this beautiful earring for him, it felt like it would be something that wasn't his.

     Who would be the one who would suit this beauty?

     "Is it too late to give Azazel a birthday gift?" Agatha blurted out, picking up the earring and held it up closer to the light making it shine brighter.

     Arwen's eyes widened. That was it! He knew this piece of art would suit for someone worthy for it to be worn and he knew it would be Azazel. That gem that almost has the same color as his eyes, the same as he smile, it shines brightly and the feather represents his beloved familiar along with the golden vines that shows how golden he is.

     No doubt that this would be for Azazel.

     Arwen turned to Agatha then grinned. "Why should it be a birthday gift?"


I. I almost died out of fear and frustration.

     Even if I had my eyes on Marah, father suddenly took her from my hold and held her up to the sky and a reminder! We were like 50 feet away from the ground! And that put my nervousness to a test, a rigged one.

     "That was fun!" Father said as he jumped off Mealli along with Marah. I glared at the two while coming down, following them with shaky legs. Instead of Marah being scared of heights, I was the one who got scared!

     But she's so lucky she has armor plot or else she'll be facing the ground right now!

     "That was not fun..." I grumbled with a huff. "Do you know how many times have I told you not to hold Marah like that while we were on air?! It took all of my sanity and calmness to hold onto Mealli for dear life and kept on whispering to her to slow down!" I let all my frustrations out from my lungs where I kept from all that flying.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now