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We walked in the shop and the rumors didn't stop there. The customers inside too were whispering about us. Every single move they judge, they make story, creating a bad image about us and every word I hear from them pushes me towards a cliff.

     "My, you picked such finest fabrics, sir!" The owner complimented as he took the cloths we chose from us and put it on the counter. "Out of curiosity, were you two were told by your mother to pick these?"

     I raised a brow. There's never a time I consider the duchess my mother, only my mother who gave birth to me who I'd consider. Plus, why would we follow such order when she could just order her servants for this. Is it weird for two boys to buy fabrics in a fabric store?

     "No, mother was out for a tea party," Arwen replied calmly. It's been months but Arwen really does grew up well, if it was his past self, he would be a stuttering mess right now. I aplaude his character development, the book never told me about this, he was just a side character different from Victor and Azazel.

     The owner nodded, his eyes tells something different. "Oh, I see... Then is it for your sister?" He tried to ask another different yet same question. I could only roll my eyes as I watch them converse.

     How about we stop the chit-chat and give us the reciept?

     "Yes, it is for my sister," Arwen said with a nod, raising a finger for our servant to give the money. I couldn't help but raise a brow in amusement, I see he has learned the art of twisting words, clever.

     The servant recieved the bags right after they gave the money and bowed before they left to put it in the carriage. The owner also bowed and smiled at Arwen, he seemed relieved. "Thank you for buying our products, please do come again."

     "Nah, it'd be the last for us to come here," I spat which surprised everyone in the room. As I played with my hat that Arwen gave, I eyed at the people around us with a cold look. "Did I ask the people present in this room to listen here? You're only spreading fake rumors yet still doing it poorly."

     They all went silent, some left, some hid their faces in embarrassment. The sight of it made me scoff before facing back the owner. "And you..." I raised a brow while standing straight despite my height against him. "Asking such ridiculous questions as if you want something to clarify from us. How could a lowly man like you to ask my brother like that while he's here acting all polite to you?"

     "I..." He stood speechless. Cat got his tongue I guess.

     I reached for his tie and straightened it, eyes still remained cold even I'm smiling. "We'll let it slide since our father is not present at home..." I trailed my voice down and took a step away. "Tease us for being children who tell out their parents, we are not that shameful when our father could destroy something precious to you with a snap of a finger. And it would not be our fault."

     Silence. That's what I like it.

     Arwen stood next to me with a satisfied smile, reaching for my hand. "Let's go home now," he said. I happily accepted his hand right after putting my hat back on.

     "How about we just buy everything in there and let it shut down?" Arwen suggested as he recieved two ice creams from the servant. The thought makes me laugh. "Are you serious? Let's do it, consider that done as soon as our father hears about this," I said amusingly while taking a lick of my ice cream.

     Damn, this ice cream is good.




The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now