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Lunch was silent, just as I expected.

Ahem. Let me summarize what is happening right now.

First let me introduce to you the duchess who was obviously fuming while having a chat with Charlotte; Charlotte on the other hand, was just there; Father, who was not paying attention and was busy cutting Marah's food; Victor was also listening with the duchess; the twins, well, they're twins; Marah was patiently waiting for her food; and there's me, who just wanted to leave the dining room for good.

Well, that's about it.

While I was busy with my food, I noticed that the conversation between the duchess and Charlotte was ending and now for sure I know that the duchess's next target was. Of course, me.

"Why does this young man who rejected dear Charlotte's proposal had the audacity to join us for lunch?" And she snipes again!

I heard Arwen almost choked on his food but he managed to keep his posture and ate like nothing happened. I mentally rolled my eyes as I popped in my fork to my mouth. I looked up to see their eyes on me, including Charlotte. Man, ever since I met her, I really don't like her eyes whenever she's staring at me. Gives me shivers.

"Mother, I invited Azazel. It would be rude if he wouldn't show up to our guest," Victor said with that smile on his face. His business smile. I would never get used to that, neither are Arwen, Agatha and Marah.

"Well, have you forgotten of what he had done to Charlotte?" The duchess said with a gasp. She's over exaggerating, please stop. Mentioning that embarrassing past makes me want to run and hide to reflect all of my choices. I prayed for years for that nightmare to disappear but this madame here won't let me.

"We were still children back then, I doubt that I could remember what happened to that day," Agatha joined with a snort. She didn't even bother to look up to face us, she was eating her lunch with such elegance. She sure is a lady when it comes to manners but when it comes to us... I don't even want to say it.

"Can we not discuss such negative issues in the table?" Father finally chimed in. "We rarely have the time to eat together as a family and you all are just going to ruin it just because of the past that had happened years ago."

Facts, father. Facts.

But I disagree with the eating together part. Nuh-uh.

I scoffed but no one seemed to notice. I haven't even say a word ever since we took a seat, I was just minding my own business until someone just had to ruin everything for her pleasure. Congratulations, what did it cost? Nothing but a mess.

"My deepest apologies..." I heard Victor whispered to Charlotte. He was sitting next to me then Charlotte was sitting next to him. But brother, no need to apologize, let her watch the perfect family in the Sheridan household, how they show their love to their children. Wonderful.

It took a moment of silence before the duchess cleared her throat and went back to Charlotte, showing a smile as if she wasn't sulking just a second ago. If only she knew how obvious her expression were to me, she'd be in an embarrassing state right now. Believe it, a teenager was able to read the mind of an adult? He must be a genius!

"Charlotte, please do tell us of your visit here in the Sheridan household," the duchess asked with such sweet tone. "We recieved a letter from your father, Duke Jairus' regarding to it. But Victor still hasn't known of it yet, have you, Victor?"

"I think I have got the gist of it mother," Victor replied. Oh, gods. I know what this is. And right in front of my lunch?!

Charlotte showed a blush, smiling so shyly as she glanced Victor before going back to the duchess. "Well, my father proposed for me and that I would marry Victor to build a stronger relationship in between families and also for the good of the kingdom." And bingo, I got that right.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now