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"Lei, you cannot do this...!" I heard someone arguing. I was lying down on a bed, no, I was in someone's arms, eyes closed. I don't know where I am as I somehow cannot open my eyes, but this feels familiar. The way I was held felt like I have been here before.

"He is my son." I heard a woman's voice said, it was from the person who carried me.

"But he is also mine!" The man argue. It seemed like they were not in agreement on something.

"I don't care that he is yours but I was the one who sacrificed my life to bear him! And you weren't there...!" The woman yelled back, her hold on me tightens but she was still gentle. I could feel her arms trembling as she held me. "So you have no right to decline my decision. You've done this so you better accept it!"


"Don't make me repeat it Xander..."


"You can call him a blessing but it would never erase the fact that he is my sin..."


I blinked out of my thoughts, eyes widened as I find myself in cold sweat. I looked around to see I was back in the study room of father, it took me a while to calm down, sighing in relief before looking back in front to see father that was sitting across me, showing a worried look.

"Are you alright?" He asked, tilting his head close to see my face.

I shook my head away. "I'm fine..." I muttered as I cleared my throat while wiping away the sweat off my face

He stared at me for a while before hesitating to go back to our class.

Even if I was angry earlier, I still can't skip class with him. It was out of habit that I came into his study room on time when I thought the class is starting. I mentally cursed myself when I couldn't find a way to escape from him. Though it was good when he didn't bother to continue the talk we had earlier. I'd be raging if he did.

"Fire is no main affinity to our line, but..." Father paused, he seemed to be hesitant when he glanced at me then back to his hands that was holding together as they rested on his knees. "... It was your mother's..."


"That is why I need to learn this?" I asked. It almost sounded like a sarcasm but it was good that I stopped myself.

"No, fire has many uses that is why you need to learn this," father replied. Then paused again. Why is he pausing a lot today?

"And it might've good for you to learn a bit about your mother..."


I have done a lot of magic techniques that father taught me through the years. And I have been good at it, not gonna brag. Because of his help, I have no problems with using my mana, I have been using them it's like breathing. But then as much as I wanted to use them daily, father won't let me. He always spoils the fun.

He had taught me a lot about magic, except from using fire. And now, he have the guts to teach me now? It took him five years for me to be ready to learn it?

"Is that so?" Was all I could reply.

Father stared at me for a moment and sighed, he moved closer and leaned. "Give me your hand..." He said, his hand reaching for mine. I wanted to ignore his guide but then I followed and placed my hand on his. He was holding the back of my hand, facing my palm to the ceiling. I just watched him making miracle happen with an anxious look on my face.

Something tells me that I would not be good with fire.

I have a bad memory of it.

"Now... Close your eyes," he said, which I also followed with a deep breath, relaxing my body. I still feel his hand on mine and I could only rely on his calming voice.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now