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For 5 days living in the duke's mansion, I finally understand life in this world, the hierarchy, and my role here.

Thanks to the old man who taught me a lot of things starting from my dad to some important stuff in this world and how everything works here.

Now, all I had to do is to memorize this huge mansion that I lived in. I still haven't learned about the ways around the mansion because I was stuck in the library with the butler, studying 24/7.

I stood straight, glaring at the huge hall in front of me after I got out of his room with my small feet. Yes, I do have small feet, thanks to my age and body.
At least I have a cute voice.

I pulled out an empty piece of paper from my trousers and a pen from my ear and readies myself for an adventure in the mansion.

"Okay, so this is my room..." I muttered, drawing a small box and labeling it, My room. I'm not good a drawing so we are drawing a box, deal with it.

All that I know so far is where his room is, the dining room, and the library which is all located at the east wing of the mansion.

"The library is on the 2nd floor, mine on 3rd and the dining area is on the first floor... And there are like 10 rooms on each floor..." I complained, rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Well, let's get started before the--"

"Young lord?"

What did I say? I told myself, frozen.
"My, what are you doing here alone in the hall," The maid sighed as she walks towards me. "Here, let me take back to your room."

No lady! Don't pick me up-- NOOOOO!!

"Here you go, young lord..." The maid said sweetly as she puts me down on the couch gently where my crayons and toys are. "No sneaking out again okay. You might get lost."

What do you think I am?! A 5-year-old! I wanted to yell at the maid but not in this 5-year-old body.

I'll just sneak out again later, I told myself. I can wait.

An hour later, after strolling around his room out of boredom, I found something interesting.

"Oh...?" I jumped in surprise as I suddenly pushed a wall open that is beside a cabinet.

Curious, I peeked in and saw a dark passageway leading to nothing but darkness.

"It's a secret passage!" I gasped, my eyes beaming in excitement.

"Woah..." my voice echoed through the tunnel. "This is awesome!!"

I looked around for a moment as an exciting idea came up in my mind.

I immediately ran back to where I put down my note and pencil before going back to the tunnel.

I closed the secret door, smirking. "If I can't escape through the door then I'll go the other way."

"Where am I right now...?" I muttered as I pushed a door open after walking around the passage not knowing where to go or knowing where the exit is.

The room I went into was dark and silent. It has a lot of shelves lining up neatly with books filled in it. I knew it was the library.

I hopped out of the secret passage with my small feet and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness it's the library."

I patted off the dust from my pants before going to explore the mansion. I walked across some books, reading some of the titles until I saw a very interesting one.

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now