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It is very weird.

Weird to see my siblings, Agatha and Arwen sitting with me for breakfast.

It was a nice morning. I got better from my fever and I finally got to eat what I want. I was in a good mood to have a good breakfast and was ready to start my day with a smile on my face. I don't know why, but I feel like I got everything out of my chest yesterday even though I don't remember a thing.

But then as I was about to take a good bite of my food, Agatha and Arwen suddenly barged into my dining room and ordered the maids to serve them also breakfast as they took a sit beside me. I stared at them weirdly, mouth agape, waiting for my spoonful of food to come in.

"Are you two playing with me right now?" I asked, after waiting for decades to eat my food. The two only blinked and frowned.

"What, are you two just going to eat with me like there's nothing weird going on?"

They were just there, sitting and eating their breakfast. While, me, on the other side was trying hard to swallow my food as I watch them.

"Victor is with mother. Don't question us and just have your breakfast with us," Arwen muttered, not even giving me a glance. As you can see, I am eating my breakfast, not just properly and it is because of your sudden appearance in the room!

I sighed and nodded. "Just make sure you tell one of the servants here in advance that you are going to join me for breakfast, lunch dinner, whenever. Because you might not know if I have any time to entertain you."

Agatha only scoffed, taking a bite of her food. "As if. Whether you like it or not, dear little brother, we will be annoying you whenever we like." I was about to argue back but then Agatha raised her voice to continue. "AND! You have no right to complain or decline because we are your eldest siblings. Do you understand?"

I paused, frowning as I processed there words. How does that even mean?!

"Also, you cannot say no." She added, which made me snort, rolling my eyes.

"Why bother asking me then?" I grumbled as I played with my food.

Arwen was busy taking a sip of his drink but he noticed my actions and warned me. "Do not play with your food. That's not proper."

How come this guy scolds me for not being proper?! As I remembered like it was just yesterday, you were the only one who don't care about manners and always skips classes! When did this happen?!

I only sighed in defeat and continued to finish my breakfast. I didn't bother to argue with them since it was an unfair game as they were two and I'm only one. And as others always say, two is better than one.

How time flies. Before, I could even handle them with only my words and also sometimes threaten them with Mealli but now, I'm the one being held down by these two! They grew up to fast! Again, too fast! Have my brain developed too after these years of being Azazel? I think not!

With all those thoughts, I got to finish my breakfast. I bid my farewells to my siblings who insisted me on waiting for them but then, as their little sibling, I didn't listen and left them in the dining room with the help of my magic. I was lucky at first, not until I realized that I teleported to a wrong room.

"Brother?!" Marah immediately stood up from her seat as soon as she saw me. She completely ignored her tutor just to rush and came to give me a hug. "You're out from your room!"

"M-Marah, I think that it's not the right time..." I said with a nervous chuckle as I took a glance at her tutor, she was not happy to see me at all. But then, I gave my little sister a light hug. "Well... I missed my little sister, so what's the worst thing that could happen."

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now