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I wouldn't have my jaw hanged to the floor if I knew this in the books. But too bad for me, I did. Remember the first time I got into my father's secret office after I unsealed my magic? Forget about that, this right in front of me was a lot to take in as I first took a step in the room. My dear bully-brother wasn't really lying about telling me his deepest secret.

     You wanna see what I see?

     What was shown in front of me wasn't a thing or a creature. It was a place. A room. A room full of clothes for men and women hanged on each side of the room, giving nothing for the light from outside to peek. Though there are some ripped cloths on the floor lying around as if they're part of the floor, but never mind the mess! My brother is a seamster! At the age of six!

     For the first time in my life, plus my past life, I have never seen this much clothes in different styles like this! I never thought that I would get a closer look of them beautifully hanged on the wall, showing their beautiful colors. It was a sight to see. In each dress and suit have their own beauty and ethnicity, an art worth describing- okay, I have gone far from this, just a reminder that my bully-brother made them.

     Before I could utter a word, Arwen leaned close to my face, taking me off guard as he whispered, "don't you dare tell anyone about this, especially mom." His was trembling at the mention of his mother, filled with insecurity and fear. I could tell why as he use his voice to tell me and as a kind brother, I gave him a nod, taking a huge step back, needing for distance.

     "Okay," I started, rearranging my tie, I looked up to Arwen. "now that you've shown me, what do you want?" I asked, like a good dealer to his client. I've never experienced dealing with a client before but I wanted to look professional since it looks cool.


     "I have been following you and Victor since the past few months and what I have observed..." I unintentionally cut off his words as I winced. "Just go straight to the point, I don't want to hear a word from your weird schemes..." I commented with a click of a tongue, waving my hand as a gesture to continue. Arwen just stared at me with a blank look on his face before sighing. He must have sacrificed everything to get to talk to me and have the patience to listen to my words.

     "... Anyway..." He cleared his throat, showing a forced smile to prove that he was not angry. "Out of you two, surprisingly, you have the best... ensemble..." I know that he was dying to slap himself as he compliment me that is a hundred percent, against his pride. But congratulations, he got off of it.

     "Why thank you," I said with a nod. And of course this won't be a conversation between me and Arwen if I don't tease him. "I am flattered. I didn't know that you could compliment your dear little brother with such kind words. It makes me happy."

     Arwen only rolled his eyes, sighing again. "I wasn't done. Plus, I only said it so you could help me." Brother, you just spoiled your evil plan.

     "Okay, go on."

     "And I also saw you helped Marah with her dresses as you converse with her servants, so I thought that maybe you could help me make a beautiful dress that would suit Agatha as my gift for her birthday," Arwen went straight to the point, not taking a single breath until he was finished. A little more speed, he could surpass the world's fastest rapper. "So, you already promised."

     "What about your gift?" I asked, a little out of the topic. "I've never heard Agatha doing something behind everyone's back for a gift yet here you are wanting to make one for her. I mean you have the same birthday."

     Arwen must've took his guard off when he heard my question, his eyes widened in surprise but then he immediately hid it with a small smile. "I told you I wanted to make her a gift since she has been by my side since birth and I wanted to thank her when the day comes that I could make or maybe afford a gift for her..." He looked down and picked up some of the ripped cloths from the floor and put it on a table near him. "And now that I learned to make suits and dresses, I can now give her a gift worth giving for."

The Villain's Revenge - Black Crown Series #1 [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now