Halt (Male) x Fem Reader

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This one was requested by Your_localghost12345 I hope this is how you wanted it to be!


As I dodge the hands and fire, I hear a scream from behind me followed by the sound of a body slamming into the wall. I let out a sob as I reach the door and tumble through, sobbing as I lay still on the floor. I hear the door slam and I know that he's dead. He was the last of my friend group I had left. And now he's dead.

I continue to sob as I lay on the cold wooden floor. There were five of us, but now...now there's only one. I'm the last one and I'm only on door 0044. I can't survive these monsters. I'm just going to die like my friends.

After I cry the last of my tears, I pick myself up off the floor and continue on, with no hope of surviving this place. I enter the next room and the lights flicker more aggressively than usual. I stop in the middle of the room, too tired to even try to evade Rush. But fortunately, or unfortunately for me, he doesn't come. I sigh and walk up to the next door, absently opening it.

I notice that the door leads into a dimly-lit blue hallway. I start walking, my eyes blurred by more tears that I didn't even think my body could produce at this point. As the hallway becomes a sea of confusion, I hear a voice that seems to come from the walls of the hallway say "turn around". I disobey, hoping that I can finally meet the same fate as my friends and end my suffering.

"I said turn around," the voice repeats, a little more sternly this time.

I ignore him and continue walking forward, tears streaming down my face and down my neck, falling onto my already tear-soaked shirt. I hear someone jump down from somewhere above me and land on the floor right in front of me. I can barely make out a man in front of me, blurred by my tears. He grabs my shoulders, forcing me to stop.

He looks down at me, looking at my swollen eyes and soaked shirt. His grip loosens a little and he sits me down against a wall, taking the spot on the floor next to me. He watches me as I continue to silently cry before speaking once more. But his tone is soft this time.

"You've been put through hell here, huh?" He asks, his voice full of sympathy, sadness, and regret.

I don't answer. Instead, I continue to cry, letting the tears continue to seep into my shirt. The entity sighs and places an arm around me. I flinch, but don't make an attempt to move. I've lost the will to live, and I think he knows.

"I know saying sorry isn't enough. And I know you don't want to live anymore. I can't go and bring your friends back, but I can give you hope for a better future," the entity says calmly, pulling me into an embrace he means to be comforting.

I let him pull me close to him, and continue to cry silent tears that burn like acid. He sits still and quiet, letting me be in my feelings. He doesn't try to make me see the bright side. He doesn't try to comfort me any further than just letting me know someone's here. He just lets me feel what I feel. I feel grateful for that if I'm being honest. Everyone else that I know would either try to comfort me, or make me see the fact that "hey! I'm still alive! And I should continue living my life because that's what they would want".

Eventually, I cry myself to sleep in the arms of a monster. My sleep is dreamless, even after all of the horrors and losses I've seen today. What I don't know until I wake up, however, is that the entity I fell asleep on carries me to a small bedroom and lays me down onto a soft bed, tucking me in and whispering words of encouragement into my ear as I continue to dream of nothing.

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