Male Figure x Fem Entity Reader

381 10 2

Requested by Doorsfan.

I'm so sorry I skipped over you. I didn't mean to. I really hope this is good enough to make up for my mistake.


The human runs off screaming as I jump out of the closet and yell "boo!" in their face. I chuckle and step out of the closet, walking through several rooms. I enter one of the barricaded doors that the humans, thankfully, never bother to try and open and walk through the passageways to other parts of the hotel. I decide that today's the day to go down one of the paths I haven't yet, and start walking down it. I reach the end and push open the door, amazed as I find myself stepping into a decently-sized library. I see a really tall man walking around and he stops and turns towards me.

He starts walking my way. I immediately realize that he's blind and smile to myself. I begin to tiptoe to the left, but he hears me and frowns in disapproval. I look up at him, confused. I get down on my hands and knees and crawl behind a bookshelf, which he doesn't seem to notice this time. I wait there for a few minutes, occasionally peering around the edge of the bookshelf. I see him standing there, seemingly listening for any sign of where I am. Slowly and quietly, I crawl to the other side of the bookshelf and peer around it again. I'm now behind him. I smile and crawl up close behind him, slowly standing up and readying myself for the scare.

However before I can scream "boo!" in his ear, he turns around and seizes my shoulders and looks down at me. I'm completely taken aback and stare up at him, a little shocked and scared. Me? Scared? Scared of a human? Nah-uh. No way. But I am. And that's embarrassing. I try and think of a way out of this situation.

"So, uhh, you're tall for a human, huh?" I ask, trying to lighten the tension in the air that could be cut with a knife.

The guy's grip on me loosens a bit and he looks confused. Then he laughs. He laughs. He laughs so hard that he lets go of me and doubles over, clutching his stomach. I stand there, confused about what's so funny.

"What-what's so funny?" I ask, crossing my arms.

The man manages to calm down enough to give me a somewhat intelligible answer.

"I-I'm a...I'm an ehehehenthhhithhhyhh-" he laughs, unable to hold his composure long enough.

My face immediately goes hot and I step back, feeling completely embarrassed and upset with myself. How did I not notice that. He's too tall to be a human. Well, I hope. If I ever see an eight-foot-tall human, I'm noping outta here before you can blink. Finally he manages to regain himself and stands back up.

"What made you think I was a human?" He asks with a cheesy smile still on his face.

I don't respond. Instead, I just stand there enveloped in my own embarrassment. The man just stands there with a pineapple-on-pizza milk-before-cereal-eating grin plastered to his face. I remain still, silently fuming and scolding myself over and over in my head for being blinder than him. Finally, he speaks again, but in a more neutral tone.

"My name's Figure and I'm the giant blind macho guillotine librarian of the hotel. What about you?" He says, smiling proudly at his well-thought introduction and extending his hand out to me.

I sigh and take a step closer to be in reach of his hand.

"I'm Y/N, the mimicking, annoying, and apparently blind entity," I respond, shaking his hand.

"Oh no you don't. I will not allow you to steal the blind title," Figure teases.

I chuckle and we stand there, still for a few moments until that same human I scared earlier enters the library. Figure smiles and gives me a thumbs up before going back towards the center of the library. I stand off to the side and watch what he does. The human gets on their hands and knees and begins to crawl towards the desk set between some tables and a wall. They grab a paper and look at it for a second, then place it back and start looking for something while Figure tries to find them. I notice the human coming my way and I hide behind a bookshelf, but they come around the side and see me. Their face grows pale and their eyes widen with fear. They look at me pleadingly, silently begging me to not give them away.

DOORS x Reader | OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora