Dr. Pepper x Reader

533 11 37

These are the people who encouraged me to write this lovely masterpiece. -BR00KLYNB4BY -BR00KLYNB4BY and HoppyW.


I'm eating dinner and I need a drink because my hungry self forgot to get one from the fridge. I stand up and walk over to the fridge, opening it and grabbing the Dr. Pepper bottle from the bottom shelf. I close the fridge and walk back to the table, sitting down and twisting off the cap of the Dr. Pepper bottle. Before I drink from the bottle that houses the world's best doctor, I look lovingly at the bottle, wishing it could hear me.

"I love you, Dr. Pepper. You're the love of my life," I admit, confessing to the inanimate object in my hand.

As I bring the bottle to my lips, I kiss it before drinking the magical liquid contained within the plastic of the precious bottle in my hand.

"I love you too, Y/N," I hear a voice gurgle from my hands.

I look down at the bottle and smile, hugging it tight.

The end.


I literally just woke up and chose cringe. I'm laughing so hard right now. I had to do this. Two comments were all the confirmation I needed.

To all the people who've submitted requests, I see you and I'm getting to you. I'm just unmotivated for now because I published four stories on Valentine's Day, which was right after I found out that my boyfriend cheated on me. Rip me.

But yeah. Hope you weirdos enjoyed this quick joke chapter.

See ya!


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