Ambush x Fem Reader - Part 2

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Hey!!! I'm sooo sorry for the late part two! I kinda forgot I wrote this one since I've been brainstorming ideas for this oneshots series, and the other DOORS book I'm currently working on. I'll try to make this one longer and more enjoyable, while also not leaving it on such a bad cliffhanger.

Requestee for part 1 was HeckeryHeckH3ck (Got your tag right this time! Ha!)

Antyways, enjoy!

Ambush tells me why he's so obsessed with me, and I kind of feel bad for him.

"So, the reason why I'm so obsessed with you is because you look a lot like a human that was here a long time ago, but she was killed by Rush and I had fallen in love with her. I promised to protect her and failed miserably because she's dead now and it's all my fault. Rush didn't know she and I were in love, so I don't blame him for doing his job. I miss her immensely and you just remind me so much of her. I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable, you just look so much like her and I just-I just can't get her out of my head when I saw you for the first time. If you want me to leave you alone, I can. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I wish you the best of luck. Goodbye, Y/N," Ambush said this so fast, I almost didn't understand a single word he said.

He runs off and I'm left standing here, processing what he just said to me. I feel so bad for him. I wish I wasn't so...mean to people who are interested in me, but I can't help it.

I sigh, regret fills me from head-to-toe. I continue through the hotel, but I'm so distant, I don't even notice the lights flicker. I hear the sound of Rush quickly approaching, and dash for a closet. My heart races and I know I'm not going to make it. 

I sigh in defeat as Rush grows nearer. I'm going to die the same way Ambush's love did. He's not going to be able to cope with that. I turn around to face Rush and scream at the top of my lungs.


He somehow hears my scream over his and skids to a halt right in front of me, pinning my shoulders to the wall next to the closet I'm closest to.

"What, human?" Rush asks, extremely annoyed at my stopping him from getting another kill.

"Do-do I look...familiar to you?" I ask.

Rush raises an eyebrow in confusion and leans closer to my face. A look of recognition crosses his face.

"Yes. You look like someone I've killed before," he says, confused.

"Well, I can tell you that I'm not her," I start to explain Ambush's story.

By the time I'm finished telling the story, Rush's face is drained of color as he realizes the sevarity of the situation.

"I-I had no idea Ambush was in love with her...I-" he stammers, unable to conjure up the words he wants to say.

He stands there, his face changing from confusion, to anger, to regret. He releases me and steps back, clutching his head in frustration at the realization of what he did and almost just did.

I walk up to him and lightly put my hand on his arm.

"Rush, just calm down. What happened in the past happened. You can't change it. But you didn't kill me, so just relax," I say, trying my best to comfort the regret-filled Flash wannabe.

"I know! But-" he starts to protest, but I cut him off.

"Ambush has forgiven you. He knows that you didn't know about his relationship with that girl. He's not mad at you. You were just doing your job. He's mad at himself for not protecting her like he promised her," I explain.

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