Shy Fem Figure x Confident Fem Reader

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This one was requested by StormyXRoyal. I hope this is good enough. ^^


As I approach the double doors, I can't help but assume that they lead to another "boss". I walk up to them and push them open, immediately noticing an eight-foot-tall entity standing in the middle of a decently-sized library. Her shoulders seem to droop at the sound of me opening the doors. I look at her face and notice that she appears exhausted. Not in the tired sense, but in the sense of doing the same thing over and over again. As she begins to walk towards me, I notice that she appears to be blind. I walk over to my right and her pace quickens.

I realize that she must've felt the vibrations of me walking on the ground when I walked, so I get on my hands and knees and begin to crawl around. I crawl around to the other side of the bookshelf that's on my left, throwing the entity off my trail. I hear her sigh exasperation and hear her stop walking. I feel like she's annoyed, but not at me. I feel like she's tired of having to kill people. With the confidence that I'm surprised hasn't gotten me killed yet, I stand up and walk around to the other side of the bookshelf, nearly knocking into the entity. I take a couple steps back and look up at her.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my tone soft and concerned, "you seem really down."

The entity jumps at my suddenness to speak, but turns away from me, hiding her face. My heart aches seeing her so down. I don't know why I'm concerned for a monster who's supposed to kill me. I should be taking advantage of her state and escaping, but I just can't. I don't have the heart. I hate seeing anyone hurting.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but I can tell you're sad and hurt," I note, taking a daring step forward.

The entity steps away from me, still hiding her face. She seems a little shy on top of everything else. I walk until I'm right next to her, risking death. I place my hand on her arm gently, letting her know that someone's here. She flinches and shies away from me, burying her face into the bookshelf. I sigh and continue to stand next to her, not scared in the slightest. For all I know, she could snap and rip my head off.

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm intruding. I'll just go," I say, a little sad that I couldn't help her feel better.

I walk across the path in the middle of the library and reach over the desk, grabbing the paper that I'd seen earlier, not sure if it meant anything. It does. I see five shapes on it with roman numerals above them. I realize that it's part of a code and I memorize the five shapes then place the paper back down. I start walking around the library, looking for the books with the second half of the code. I find five on the bottom floor and start walking towards the stairs. As I reach them, I hear the entity start walking in my direction. Her footsteps sound hesitant and calculated.

I don't panic. Instead, I keep looking for the last few books. I find two on the right side of the exit doors and find the third on the other side. Those are all of the books I need. As I turn around to start walking over to the doors so I can put in the code, I see the entity blocking my way. She looks nervous about something. Is she going to kill me after all? As I reach the doors, she reaches out to grab my arm, but pulls her arm back shyly. I look up at her notice that she appears to want to say something. I reach out and gently place a hand on her arm, letting her know that I'm right here. She lets out a long, exasperated breath.

"Hello again. I see you need to say something. Just take your time. I'll wait until you're ready," I say calmly.

She nods and tries to gather her words. After a couple moments of silence, she appears to be about ready to speak. I wait patiently.

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