Figure x GN Reader

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So, this isn't a request, but I wanted to do a Figure x Reader one of my own accord. If y'all have requests, submit them on the requests page and I'll get to them! This book is going to be mostly based off requests, so send me what you got!


You're exhausted as you've just finished running from Seek. You lean against a wall to catch your breath. After you regain yourself, you continue to the next door which is door 048. You enter the room and see door 049 straight ahead.

You approach the door and open it. Instead of a door that says 050 on it, you see a set of double doors. Is this the exit? There's no way. You smile to yourself and open the doors.

To your dismay, and delight, you've just entered a library. It looks well-kept and it seems no one is in here at the moment. You start exploring the library. You love to read. Fantasy, adventure books are your favorite.

You find the fiction section and start browsing the books. You end up finding a book that looks interesting enough, and you sit down on the stairs to begin reading. 

You become so enveloped in the book that you don't even notice the fast footsteps approaching you. You continue reading softly to yourself without a care in the world, not noticing the tall being looming over you.

You feel a hand tap you on your shoulder, slightly missing it. You jump, startled, and look up to see a very tall man with white eyes standing over you. Your heart begins to race as you realize what's about to happen. You brace yourself for death, however, it never comes.

You stare up at the man above you and you realize that he's...blind? 

"So you like to read huh?" The entity asks, sounding a little eager.

You blink, confused, but you manage to quickly regain yourself and force out a response.

"Y-yes. I-I love to read, s-sir," you stammer.

The entity looks pleased with that response.

"Good. And my name is Figure," Figure replies, smiling.

"Oh, uh, m-my name is Y/N," you introduce yourself.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N," Figure replies, extending his hand for you to shake.

Cautiously, you shake his hand. Figure sits down next to you.

"So Y/N, can you read the book you have to me? I'm blind, if you couldn't tell," Figure says, sounding a little hesitant to ask you for a favor.

"Oh, sure I can. And yeah, I noticed. But don't worry, I have a friend who's half blind and she can't read small print, so I read to her all the time," you say, remembering your best friend.

She was supposed to go on vacation with you, but her parents wouldn't allow it. Honestly, you're glad she couldn't go now, because you don't think she would've survived this deadly hotel.

"Oh, really? That's so nice of you to read to her," Figure compliments.

You smile and turn back to the first page to begin reading. You start reading the book to Figure, who, unbeknownst to you, is falling asleep to your voice. As you continue reading, you feel Figure lean his head on your shoulder. This throws you off a little, and a slight blush creeps across your face.

You smile and continue reading. When you're about halfway through the book, Figure lifts up his head groggily and rubs his eyes. You stop reading and look over at him.

"Rest well?" You ask, an obvious smile in your voice.

Figure turns his head in your direction and nods. You guess he's not one for conversing right after waking up. He stretches and yawns. He has the cutest yawn you've ever heard. 

You both sit there quietly for a few minutes.

"I wish I could see you," Figure says.

That makes your heart melt. You smile and blush.

"I do too," you respond.

Figure's face instantly lights up as he seems to remember something.

"Wait! There's a way that I can see you!" He says, extatically.

"Really? How?" You ask eagerly.

"You have to find the code and open the doors at the top of the stairs. When they're open, I gain sight temporarily to catch any humans hiding while their friends find the code. But I'm blind again when the doors close," Figure explains.

"I can find the code and keep the doors open," you suggest.

"I know the code, so I can just tell you," Figure says, standing up.

He extends his hand to help you up. You take it and lead him to the doors. Figure grabs four books off shelves you pass to hold open the doors.

Okay, what's the code?" You ask, lifting up the metal plate over the combination lock.

"It's 2, 7, 4, 8, 3," Figure says. 

He lets go of your hand so you can put the code in quicker. You enter the code and turn around.

"Are you ready?" You ask, smiling and blushing.

"Yes! Just open them already!" Figure begs, ready to see you.

"Okay. Close your eyes, I need to put the books down first, so I don't have to hold the doors open," you explain.

Figure does what you say, and you push open the doors and place the books down to hold them open. You turn around and look up at him. You gently grab his hands.

"Okay. You can open your eyes now," you say, smiling.

Figure opens his eyes and looks down at you. He gasps and leans in closer to take in every detain of your face. He looks astonished at your dazzling appearance.

"You-you're absolutely stunning," he says, gazing into your eyes.

You blush and look into his eyes.

"Well, you're absolutely handsome," you compliment back.

Figure blushed a beautiful shade of pink that compliments his skin so well.

Figure picks you up bridal style and carries you to a hidden room in the library. It's a very nice, and well-kept bedroom with a fireplace, comfy-looking bed, a very organized desk, and a set of drawers to the right of the bed.

Figure sets you down on your feet and lays down on the bed, motioning for you to join him. You blush and lay down next to him. He wraps his arms around you and cuddles you close to him. It's not long before you both drift off into a sweet, peaceful sleep.


This is by far one of my favorite ones. I feel like me and Figure would really get along. Let me explain why.

A: I love reading

And B: I'm actually visually impaired myself, so I can understand Figure better than a lot of people. 

If y'all have any questions about me vision, or y'all want me to do a chapter on it, I'd be happy to do so. Just let me know in the comments on this page or the requests page.

See y'all soon!

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