Rush x Reader - Part 1

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You're not in the best mood. You've had a bad week at school due to exams, and now you're stuck in a hotel. You're on door 009. You walk straight through the room and open the tenth door. The lights flicker, and you get a bad feeling in your stomach. You hear a loud screaming-ish sound and notice a closet to your right.

You quickly run to it, but you're too late. The screaming sound is right behind you, and you feel someone push you onto the ground. You fall hard, landing in a heap on the red carpet. You barely manage to keep your head from slamming into the floor. The creature that so rudely pushed you pins you to the floor with its knee.

You start to cry. You really don't want to die. You're only 16. You choke back a sob that you know would be loud and brace yourself for death, but it never comes. The creature turns you onto your back and stares into your eyes.

Tears are running down your temples now. You sniffle and look back at the monster standing over you. The monster picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and carries you to a chair in the corner of the room. He gently sits you down, and sits down on the floor in front of you, staring at your face.

You both stare at each other, until the monster speaks.

"Don't worry. You're safe. I won't kill you," he says soothingly.

You just stare at him, still scared.

"I'm Rush. What's your name?" Rush asks.

"My-my name is Y/N," you answer quietly, your voice shaking.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N," Rush says, extending his hand for you to shake.

You extend your trembling hand out and shake the creature's hand.

"Are you scared of me?" Rush asks, sounding a little apologetic.

"I, uhm...a little," you stammer.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to frighten you, my dear," Rush says.

"You were literally going to kill me!" You exclaim.

Rush reels back, shocked at your outburst. He looks down, ashamed.

"I-I know. I'm sorry, Y/N. I won't hurt you, I promise," he says quietly.

"I just want to go home. I don't want to go through this hotel, wondering if death is waiting for me behind each door," you say, your voice cracking.

Rush looks at you sympathetically.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, Y/N. I promise I'll protect you," Rush says.

"I-I don't trust you," you say honestly.

How exactly can you trust someone who just tried to end your life?

"Please stay! Please give me a chance and let me make it up to you!" Rush begs, grabbing your hands.

You pull your hands and stand up. You walk out of the room and leave Rush on the floor. You feel a little bad, but you ignore it. He literally was going to kill you until he saw your face. How can you just forgive that?

You continue through the hotel, thinking about Rush. What on earth is his problem?

You shake your head and keep walking. You're on door 024 now. You haven't come across any other monsters yet. Shouldn't you have seen them already?

You enter the 25th room and the lights flicker again. You don't want to see Rush, so you make it in a closet this time as he barrels through the hotel. You hear him go through the room, and then hear silence. Slowly, you step out of the closet, looking around. You don't see him, so you continue to the next room.

As you enter the next room, you see someone standing in the corner to the right. You look over to see Rush and sigh in annoyance. You walk away from him quickly, but he grabs your arm and spins you around to face him.

That's it for this part y'all. I may update it tonight. But if I don't, I'll update it tomorrow.

And remember, if you have any suggestions, leave them on the suggestions page! :)

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