Ambush x Fem Reader

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Requested by _Y4_KuRa_. I hope this is to your liking! ^^


I fall asleep playing DOORS only to wake up and find myself with my face pressed into the tile floor of the elevator. I groan and stand up, pushing my hair out of my face. I see four items laid out along the wall of the elevator. The lighter, lockpick, flashlight, and drugs...I mean vitamins. (Inside joke of mine lol.) I help myself to all of the items, and press the button to open the elevator door. I step into the reception room and look around, awestruck that I'm actually in the game. The hotel looks much nicer in person in all honesty, despite it being the grave of many. I walk around the desk and crouch under the luggage trolley. I snag the key off of the wall and crouch back under the trolley, popping up and walking to the door. I slide the key into the lock and turn it, unlocking the door. I twist the knob and open the door, the key disappearing from my hand.

When I step into the first room, I get hit with the pressure and fear of the situation I'm in. What if I die? Do I have lives? What will my family and friends think if I don't come home? Will they even miss me? Will they even notice I'm gone? With each step I take further into the hotel, a new question forms into my head. I stop for a second and take deep breaths, calming myself down enough to continue.

Timeskip to door 0082

I can't believe I managed to survive this long. I'm going to make it. I'm going to survive this. I open door 0082, exhausted. Before I reach door 0083, I hear a loud sound from behind me. Through my clouded mind, I jump into a closet, closing my eyes and taking a deep, relieved breath. When I hear the sound go away, I jump out and head towards door 0083. To my utter dismay, I hear the sound coming back. I curse myself in my head, angry that I can't think rationally through all of the haze clouding my mind. I turn to run back to the closet, but I see a man illuminated in pink and green running towards me at lightening speed.

Then darkness.

As I come to, my ears are ringing. My mind is foggy and my head aches. I open my eyes, but everything is blurry. I wait for my vision to clear, then noticing a face looking down at me. It's a man with paper-white skin and black hair with colored streaks strewn about. It's a mess. I suddenly realize who it is and gasp, sitting up and scooting back against the wall. He leans back, shocked at my sudden movements. My head starts throbbing even worse. I clutch it, squeezing my eyes shut, grimacing at the pain. A light hand finds its way to my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. Massaging my temples, I open my eyes and look back up at the entity before me. He's knelt on the floor, looking up at me with his voidless eyes, which I can tell are concerned. He gives me a small smile and pats my shoulder.

"Are you okay? Can I get you anything?" He asks, his voice deep and soothing.

I look away, still massaging my temples. Wasn't he supposed to kill me? Why am I still alive? Is this a second life? No, it couldn't be. If it was a second life, my head wouldn't be aching like Tree's from Happy Death Day. Well, I hope. I realize that I haven't answered his question and look back over at him. He's waiting patiently for me to gather my thoughts. I take in a deep, shaky breath before I speak.

"Why-why didn't know?" I ask, my voice quieter at the end.

He cocks his head to the side thoughtfully.

"Kill you?" He asks, smiling kindly.

I nod.

"Well it might sound strange, but I find you quite...attractive," he blushes, looking down.

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