Screech x GN Reader

574 14 30

The requestee for this one is CoffeeTiel! I hope you like it!^^


I open door 0015 only to be greeted with a pitch-black room. My hands begin to shake because I'm scared of the dark. I take a deep, shaky breath and step into the room. I carefully walk around, trying to find the door without hurting myself. But of course, my clumsy self hits my knee on a set of drawers. I grunt and hiss in pain as I rub my knee, holding my arms out in front of me like a blind person would do, and slowly continue trying to find the door.

I feel a presence behind me and my heart jumps. I turn around to see what it is, but it's too dark to tell. I let out the breath I didn't know that I was holding and continue looking, well, feeling for the door. Eventually, my fingers brush the familiar wood of a door and I reach for the handle. But before I can open it, I hear a quiet "psst" in my ear.

I open the door and step into the next room, letting my eyes adjust to the light. I look behind me and see a man with tentacles coming out of his back standing in the doorway, looking at me. I stagger backwards and turn around, rushing to the next door.

I continue through the hotel, running from a seven-foot, skinny goo-cyclops, going through a hallway with a ghost-girl who couldn't decide if I could go through or not, and finding a code in a library with an eight-foot tall blind macho meat-man who looked ready to bite my head off. I come across a little shop with some nice entities who encouraged me to keep going. I bought a flashlight and a lockpick. There was a crucifix too, but I don't like the idea of crucifying an entity, even if it'll save my life.

I say goodbye to the three nice entities and continue on my not-so-merry way. After I go through the next two doors, the third one is another dark room. Now that I think about it, I haven't had one since the one a while ago. I pull out my flashlight and turn it on. It's pretty bright. I smile in relief as I start walking to the door. But of course, I hear a "psst" from behind me. I whip around and shine the flashlight at the entity now in front of me. The light catches him off-guard for a second and he holds his hand up to shield his eyes. He takes a step back and looks around the light at me.

"Can you..." he begins to ask, gesturing to the flashlight.

I sigh and point it in a different direction, but still at an angle to where I can see him. He takes a step towards me. I flinch and my muscles tense. The hand holding the flashlight begins to shake. The entity looks me up-and-down, examining me from head-to-toe. When he looks back up, his gaze lingers on my E/C eyes. I blink and take a step back, looking over to the side.

"Uhm...are you going to kill me or something?" I ask, my voice quiet and shaky.

"N-no. Of course not. I couldn't kill such a gorgeous person such as yourself," he says, taking another step towards me.

I look back at him, shocked. I look down at the ground, my face going a little red. The entity takes another step closer. I don't move, not really scared, but a little shy. He takes step after step until he's right in front of me. He reaches up and turns the flashlight off and takes my other hand. He leads me to the door and opens it, pulling me out of the dark into the light. He sits down on the floor and leans against the wall. He looks up at me and beckons me to sit down next to him. His eyes are kind and he gives me a warm smile.

I sit down next to him and he moves his arm towards me, but decides to just fold his hands in his lap. He looks over at me, studying my face. I turn my head as a light blush settles on my cheeks.

"My name's Screech. What about yours?" Screech asks curiously.

I turn my head to look over at him. He smiles at me and waits patiently for my response.

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