Seek x GN Reader

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Requestee is bfbispoggers (I got the tag right this time! Yippee!)

I'm in that hotel that I've heard rumors about at school. Apparently, some kids from our school snuck away from the class on a field trip to go to a hotel and do God knows what. According to one of them, they got trapped in the hotel and had to go through 100 doors to leave while avoiding entities that wanted to send them to the grave early. The person who told the story claims they're the only one who survived.

I didn't believe the rumors...until...

Now. I'm stuck in the same place and have been for an hour now. I'm on door 28 and have already seen the entities known as Rush, Jack, Timothy, and according to everyone who claims to have been here, Screech, the most annoying one out of them all. Well, I can agree with them on that.

I open door 29 and the lights flicker. I hide in a closet, thinking it's Rush, but he never comes. I step out of the closet and continue to door 30. The lights flicker a little more this time, so I stand next to a closet, just in case. I turn my head towards the wall and notice an eye, watching me. I take a step back, a little startled. 

I look around the room and notice two more eyes on the walls. I shake my head in confusion and step away from the closet, walking towards the 31st door. The eyes follow me. I walk in the 31st room and see more eyes, while the lights flicker more aggressively. I slowly walk through the room and enter door 32. Door 33 is the same, but with even more eyes. Feeling creeped out, I walk to the 34th door, completely muddled.

When I open the door, there's a long hallway with no more eyes on the walls. I look around, confused, then shrug it off. I walk down the hallway, but before I reach the door, I hear a liquid-like sound behind me. I turn around to see a creature forming from a black substance on the ground. I stare at it, and it stares back, then starts charging straight towards me.

I gasp and turn around, bursting through the door. A whole bunch of stuff falls over, and I have to crouch under and jump over a lot of it. I reach the door and shove it open. I see a red room with two paths to the left and right. The one on the right has a door with the number 37 on it, which is the next door. I beeline for it and have to crouch under more stuff.

I make it to door 38 and stop dead in my tracks. There's fire. I'm scared of fire. I don't want to be anywhere near fire. But I don't want to die. I have two options: Either I could stand here and let the goo man kill me, or I could try to get past the fire, fainting because of my fear in the process.

Well, if I choose the first option, I'll feel pain before I die. If I choose the second option, I won't since I'll be unconscious. 

I choose the second. I hear footsteps quickly approaching, so I run towards the fire, barely dodging it. I'm so scared, my legs feel like Jell-O. I start to feel dizzy and try to reach the door. I'm almost there.

But right as I grab the handle, I collapse. My senses start to fade away as I faint. Before I enter the dark void aching to swallow me, I see the monster quickly approaching. As I fade out, he stops in front of me. The last thing I see is him raising his hand above me, then the world fades away.


Everything is foggy. I slowly open my eyes. I feel like I'm underwater. Everything is muffled and my vision is hazy. I slowly come to, the world fading in bit by bit. I notice a hand stroking my hair, and I move my eyes to focus on the face above me.

As my consciousness continues to settle in, I notice I'm laid on a soft bed in a cozy-looking room. I groan, my head slightly aching. The figure beside me gently sits me up, putting his arm around my waist to support me. I bring my hand to my head and massage my temple to ease the headache.

"Are you all right, miss/mister?" A soothing voice beside me asks, worriedly.

I look over at his face and reel back. It's the goo monster. Wasn't he supposed to kill me? Why-how am I still alive?

I don't answer, instead looking at him fearfully and confused.

He notices this, and pulls me closer to him, stroking my hair comfortingly. My face goes hot. Am I blushing? Why am I blushing?

I suddenly realize how thirsty I am and mumble a barely audible "Water." My voice is hoarse due to dehydration and having just woken up.

"Oh, let me get that for you," the monster, whose name is Seek I think, offers.

He stands up, gently laying me back down and patting my head before walking out of the room. I stare at the ceiling and ponder what's going on. Out of all the people who've been here, why me? How and why do I live?

Seek comes back in with a glass of water and sits me up again, holding the glass to my dry lips. Cautiously, I take a sip and immediately feel better. I take the glass and gulp down the rest of the water.

"My, slow down, dear, you'll-" Seek starts to say, but gets cut off by me choking.

I start choking and coughing because of drinking the water too fast. Seek pats my back to help, and I start to regain myself.

"Thanks," I say, with one final cough.

"No problem, love," he says, wrapping his arm around my waist again.

He hugs me close to him and I start blushing again. Am I attracted to a monster? My parents would disown me if they knew.

Hesitantly, I wrap my arm around his waist, and place my head on his chest, blushing an even more embarrassing shade of red. He rests his head on mine, and we sit there like that for a while. 

Seek lifts up his head and gently grabs my chin, making me look up at him. He stares lovingly into my eyes. 

"You're so beautiful/handsome," Seek compliments.

I smile and blush such a dark red, I put tomatoes to shame.

He smiles back, a genuinely sweet and caring smile. We lay down, wrapping our arms around each other and fall asleep, feeling happy and grateful to be alive. Alive and with such a sweet, kind creature.

Man, this is so cheesy, but I love it. I really hope you enjoyed this one, too. More updates will be coming soon. If y'all want me to make a part two to this, I'll gladly do so.

If you have any requests, comment them on the requests page and I'll do my best to get to them as quickly as I can! I love writing.

Have a good day/night y'all!

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