Figure x Blind Fem Reader

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Thanks to RainbowFriendFan for suggesting this one! I hope you like it!


I have no idea how I'm even still alive. I'm in a hotel, that's clear. I've been here for hours How many? I don't know. It's hard since I can't find myself around. I've also found out that entities inhabit this hotel, and they don't like visitors. I think they've taken pity on me, since I'm still alive.

I trail my fingers along the wall on my right, and hold my other hand out in front of me. It hits a wall, so I turn to the left. I feel a different door than usual, and notice that it's a set of double doors. I feel for the handles and push them open. When the doors open, I can tell that the room I've entered is massive.

(Quick bit of info: A blind or low vision person can tell if a room is big or if they pass a hallway be sensing the open space. It's hard to explain, but try closing your eyes or blindfolding yourself and walk past hallways if possible or enter different rooms and see if you can sense the open space.)

I start walking around, careful not to accidentally hurt myself. I went to my left and sensed that something was in front of me. I walk slower and keep my arm out, eventually feeling a bookshelf. It's bigger than the other ones I've felt. I realize that I must be in a library.

I walk around the bookshelf and feel another one. I walk around that one too, and eventually feel a desk. I listen for signs of someone behind it, but no one's there. I trail my hand along the top of the desk and eventually find myself behind it. My fingers brush a piece of paper.

"Oh great," I mumble to myself.

I hear footsteps approaching me. They're coming diagonally from my left. I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I don't get good vibes from whoever's approaching me. I set the paper down and walk around the desk in the opposite direction from the footsteps. They quicken and I crash into someone. They grab me and I'm scared.

"I-I'm sorry," I apologize, "I'm...I'm blind," I explain, my voice small and shaky.

Their grip on my loosens a little.

"You're blind, too?" A masculine voice asks, sounding surprised. It sounds like he's quite a bit taller than me.

"Y-yes," I respond. I pause, "wait, did you say 'too'?" I ask, surprised.

"Yes I did. I'm blind as well," the voice says.

"Oh, wow," I say, it's the only thing I can think of to say.

There's an intense silence that follows. The entity keeps his hands on my shoulders, holding me in place, and my heartbeat quickens as the fear sets in.

"S-so, uhm...are you going to kill me?" I ask hesitantly, my voice quivering with fear.

The entity lets go of me, and seems to step back. "No. It wouldn't really be fair. See, you need a code to exit this library. That paper I heard you pick up earlier, that has shapes on it, and you need to find five books that have those shapes. Those shapes correspond with a number, and once you have those numbers, you put them in the right order and put them into the combination lock by the exit doors," the entity explains.

"Oh. Yeah that would be a little difficult considering...well..." I say, not stating the obvious.

"Yeah. It wouldn't be a fair game," the entity says. I think I hear a smile in his voice.

I sigh and lean against the desk. How am I going to get out of here?

"I know the code," the entity says suddenly, "I could put it in for you, since, well, this is my library," he offers, sounding genuine.

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