Rush x Reader - Part 2

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Hello DOORS fanatics! I'm sorry I forgot about this one. For those that want part two, here it is!

You glare at him. You're still scared of him, so you don't pull away. He sighs and looks over at a door to your right. He walks towards it, pulling you gently along. He opens the door to reveal a bedroom. He sits you down on the bed and sits on the floor, causing you to look down at him.

"Y/N, please. I really am sorry for almost killing you. Please stay this time. I'll do anything to make it up to you," Rush begs, holding both your hands in his.

"Anything?" You ask.

"Yes. I'll do anything to make you trust me," he says, pleadingly.

You sigh and think of what you want.

"I want you to get me out of here. I just want to go home to my mom. She-she's all I have left," you say, choking back tears.

Rush looks at you sympathetically and sighs.

"Okay, I'll get you out of here on one condition," Rush says, looking up at you hopefully.

"I thought the condition was me forgiving you for almost ending my life," you say, slight anger in your voice.

"I...well...uh," Rush stammers.

"That's what I thought," you said, standing up.

You're not scared of him anymore. He's a coward. He obviously feels bad for almost killing you. He's not going to hurt you if you leave.

He holds onto your hands tighter, causing you to struggle a little to pull away. You manage to break free from his grasp, and you run away from him.

(Gosh this is so dramatic...😅😭)

You run through the next few doors, blinded by frustration. What's Rush's deal? Why is he so keen on you staying with him?

You get tired and stop to catch your breath. You look around and notice you're in front of a set of double doors. Is this the exit?

You take a few more deep breaths and walk to the doors. You push them open and see that they lead into a library, with a very tall and scary-looking entity. He turns towards you and starts approaching you with intent to kill. You run behind a bookshelf and cover your mouth with both hands. You try to steady your heartbeat and calm yourself down.

The creature walks on the other side of the bookshelf you're hiding behind and stops. But before he walks around to you, you hear fast footsteps enter the library.

"Figure!" It's Rush. Can you not catch a freaking break from him?

"Rush? What is it?" Figure asks, walking away from you towards Rush.

"Did a human wander through here?" Rush asks.

"Why won't he just leave me alone?" You whisper to yourself, tears falling down your cheeks.

Figure, the librarian entity apparently, seems to have somehow heard you.

"No. Why? What's going on?" Figure asks.

Did he you?

"Well, I've been trying to return something that they dropped to them," Rush lies.

"Liar!" You whisper, assuming that Figure may hear you again.

"Oh, I see," Figure responds, sounding skeptical. "Well, no. I haven't heard any humans in here for a few days."

"Oh, okay then. Well, if they happen on in here, don't kill them, just call me and I'll come as quickly as I can," Rush says.

"You got it, Rush," Figure responds, sounding eager to send Rush out of here.

"Thanks," Rush says, then you hear him walk away and the doors close.

You sigh and slide down the bookshelf. You assume Figure helped you so he can kill you. And frankly, you don't even care anymore. You hear him walking over to you and look up to see him in front of you.

You wipe the tears off your face and ready yourself for death. But instead of killing you, Figure picks you up, and carries you to the doors on the other side of the library. He sets you down, and you notice that the doors are locked. You notice a combination lock to the right of the doors.

"The code is 9, 4, 8, 3, 2," Figure tell you.

You lift up the metal plate covering the lock and enter the code. You press the green button and hear a click. Figure pushes open the doors and motions for you to go.

"Thanks," you say, relieved.

"You're welcome. Rush has issues," Figure says, then walks away.

(Where the heck is this going?? This isn't even a love story at this point! 😭😭😭 This is kinda my life running away from any potential boyfriend...😭)

You continue through the hotel, not coming across anyone else. You reach door 073 and the lights flicker. You give up. You're just going to give Rush a chance. You're sick of running away from your problems. You stand there and hear the familiar scream quickly approaching you and you just stand there. Waiting.

Rush spots you and skids to a halt, the lights in the room not shattering thankfully. Rush cautiously takes a small step towards you. You don't move. You just stare at the floor.

"Y/N-" Rush begins, but you interrupt him.

"I'm here. You got me," you sigh, defeated.

"Y/N...I-" Rush starts, but you interrupt him.

"Just do whatever you want. I'm sick of running. I'm sick of trying to avoid you when you're the most common entity here. So I give up on running from you," you say, exasperated.

Rush takes another step towards you, and he gently places a hand on your shoulder. He guides you to a bedroom and sits you down on the bed. He sits on the floor again but doesn't grab your hands this time. He also gives you a clear path to the door if you decide to leave again.

You both sit there silently for several minutes. Rush fiddles with his fingers, and you just sit still, zoning out.

Your eyelids start to grow heavy, and you suddenly realize how tired you are. You've been here for a long time, running away from Rush for most of it. You yawn, covering you mouth with your hand and close your eyes. Rush looks up at you.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He asks, concerned.

You open your eyes and look at him.

"Yeah. I'm-I'm just tired," you say, yawning again.

"Oh. Then you should get some sleep. I can leave if it makes you feel more comfortable," Rush says, readying himself to stand up.

"No. Don't go," you say quickly, surprising you both. "I-I don't want to be here alone..."

"Oh, okay then. I'll stay right here," Rush says, pointing to the floor.

You nod and stand up. You turn to the bed and pull back the covers. You lay down, making yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

As annoying as Rush is, you can't help but feel safe falling asleep with him nearby because you know he won't hurt you and he won't let anyone else hurt you. You start to feel really bad for how you were towards him the past few hours.

Eventually, you fall asleep, feeling safe, and mad at yourself.

Well! What an...interesting turn of events...

I wasn't trying to make this character demiromantic...

I usually just make up the story as I go along. So, yeah. I'm also almost falling asleep on my keyboard, so I decided to end this one with Y/N falling asleep.

It's only 9:20 PM and I'm half asleep...oop. Well, have a good night/day.

I'll try to update this soon. Keyword: Try.

See y'all soon!

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