Touch Starved GN Reader x Male Figure

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This oneshot was requested by Barely_online. (Username checks out since I wasn't able to get genders lol.) But here you go, Barely online. It'll prolly be a while before you realize I made this for ya. /j

As the door slams shut behind me, I hear Seek pounding on it. I take a couple minutes to catch my breath, then continue through the hotel. I open door 0047 and Rush decides to show his face. I jump into a closet and Rush passes through, opening the door to room 0048. I step out of the closet and enter the winding hallway, opening the door to the pre-library, as I call it. I stop and lean against the desk for a while, realizing that I'm going to die without being hugged in forever.

I close my eyes and let out a defeated, pained sigh before approaching the double-doors, pushing them open before stepping through. Figure is standing in the middle of the room, but he doesn't move. I give the blind entity a confused, but wary look before hesitantly taking a step further into the library. He follows suit, taking a step towards me. I let out a quiet, startled gasp and freeze. Figure gives me a hurt look. I narrow my eyes in confusion, but decide to risk another step. He smiles proudly and takes another towards me.

I'm now far enough away from the library doors and they slam shut behind me. I gasp loudly and jump, turning around and looking at the doors. I sigh and turn back to Figure, who looks apologetic and hasn't moved. I take two daring steps towards him, and he takes that as an invitation and marches his 8-foot-tall self right up to me. I gasp again and prepare myself for the possible realization that this was all a trick to get me to let my guard down so he can kill me.

But instead of feeling my head getting bitten off, I feel two strong arms wrap me up into a warm embrace. I gasp for the trillionth time, confused but melting into his warm hug. Something inside me breaks and I burst into tears. The shock of being hugged by what I thought would be a monster instead of my kind, who are supposed to be affectionate, overwhelms me. I hug him back and he keeps his hold on me, letting me sob into his shoulder. He gently rubs my back, my spine tingling with the warmth of his hand.

After an uncountable amount of time passes, I stop sobbing and gently pull away, immediately feeling cold without his touch. He smiles down at me, placing his hands onto my shoulders. The single touch seems to warm me back up. I look up at him, my eyes still wet with tears that have stopped flowing and smile at him. The biggest, most sincere, most genuine, happiest smile I've smiled in forever. I know he can't see it, but I know he knows I'm very happy and grateful. He gave me hope I thought I'd lost a long time ago. Hope and the knowing that people still love me, care about me, and want me. Who knew what I thought would kill me showed me the affection that I needed in order to remember that I am valid. I am enough.

Figure sighs and stands up, motioning for me to do the same. I follow his lead and stand up. He gestures to the doors up the stairs, telling me to continue through the hotel. I nod and hum in response, walking towards the stairs, up them, then approach the doors, which I realize are unlocked. I thank Figure and exit the library with a newfound determination to get back home.


Sorry if this seems rushed or anything. I'm listening to music because my freaking roommate is watching TV on the LOUDEST volume and I don't got headphones, so I can't really focus. I didn't have the energy to do verbal lines, but I hope this is okay for all of you guys. I didn't proofread as usual, but y'all'll survive.

See y'all next time!

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