Ambush x Fem Reader - Part 1

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Request submitted by @HeckeryHeckH3ck  (I hope that worked. I've never tagged anyone before)

Here's the story

I've been in this hotel for only a few hours now and I'm starting to think I'll never escape. I'm on door 14 and I've already come across three monsters. One of them is literally a Flash wannabee. He literally zipped through the hotel, destroying the lights in the process.

The next one was an annoying tentacle-man monster that got on my nerves. I had entered a dark room and was trying to find the door when I heard a "psst" right in my ear. I spun around and looked the thing in the eyes, and he disappeared.

The third one was a spider that jumped on my face and bit my nose. I hate spiders.

I walk through the room and open door 15. The lights flicker and I sigh in annoyance. It's that blasted Flash wannabee again. I hide in a closet and wait for the monster to pass. But he sounds different this time. Instead of a screemish sound, I hear a more vacuum-like sound.

It comes closer, and I see a figure illuminated in a pink and green glow rush past the closet. When it's gone, I step out and continue walking, but I hear that same vacuum sound coming back and I try to run back to the closet, but the figure grabs me and pins me to the wall.

I gasp for air as the wind gets knocked out of me. I stare at the monster, and we lock eyes. His face softens a bit, and he leans in closer to examine my features. He lets me go, and I fall on the floor. I was maybe a foot off the ground, so I wasn't hurt.

He looks me up and down, then looks back at my face. My eyes are wide with shock, and my mouth is slightly open.

"You're absolutely stunning," the monster says, his voice deep and soothing.

I just stare blankly at him, still to shocked to speak.

"My name is Ambush. What's yours?" He says.

I try to form a coherent sentence, and it takes me a few seconds to respond.

"I-I'm Y/N," I say, my voice shaky.

"Y/N," he repeats, as if my name is the most beautiful word in the world.

He picks me up and runs out of the room. He takes me to a bedroom and sits me down on the bed. He sits next to me and places his are around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. My heart starts to beat fast and I start to feel uncomfortable. I don't like cuddling.

He rests his head on mine and I start to get annoyed. But I don't want to break away because I'm afraid that he'll kill me. I want to live, so I try my best to tolorate this annoying creature.

We sit like that for a while, and I notice that the thing is asleep. Gross! This monster fell asleep on me!

I carefully try to pry him off of me without waking him up. I succeed and quietly tiptoe out of the room. I walk to the next door, which is door 17, and open the door. 

I continue through the hotel, surviving all of the annoying beings that try to kill me. I just got chased by a one-eyed goo monster! I don't like being chased. 

I end up coming across a set of double doors and hear a growling sound coming from the other side. Am I about to enter some sort of boss fight or something? 

I stand there, weighing my options. I could either go through the door and face what's on the other side, or I can just stay here and see what happens. I don't end being able to make a decision however, because someone grabs me from behind and carries me through the double doors.

It's that blasted lovesick imbecile again. I thrash around, kicking and screaming for him to let go of me, causing him to struggle to keep his hold on me. I notice that we're in a library and see a tall monster standing in the middle of it. He walks up to us and towers over us.

"Ambush, what's going on?" The tall monster asks the freak struggling against my outburst.

"I'" Ambush replies, struggling to talk while I try to get away.

"Why don't you just kill her?" The tall figure asks.

"Yeah! Take his advice and kill me, you creep!" I scream at Ambush, growing tired from fighting.

My words seem to shock him, because he stops fighting me and I break free, running to the doors on the other side. I growl in frustration and hit the door with the side of my fist.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see the tall monster walking up the stairs. I sigh, relieved that this nightmare is about to end.

But, luckily, or, unluckily for me, the monster puts in a code and opens the doors. He motions for me to go, so I do. I turn around and speed walk away from the library. 

I'm so sick of this place. I just want to go home.

I go through door 52 and the lights flicker like crazy. I look around for a closet or vent, but don't see one. Great. Ambush is probably coming and I have nowhere to hide. I stand there, waiting for him to whisk me away to another uncomfortable experience, but he doesn't come. Neither does the other one.

I sigh, relieved and open the next door. In front of me, there's a long, dimly lit blue hallway. I shrug and start walking through it, when suddenly my vision spazzes out for a second and I hear a deep voice say "turn around". I turn around and walk the other way, confused and annoyed. How am I supposed to get to the next door if I'm being sent out of the hallway I need to walk through?

My vision bugs out again, and I hear the voice say "turn around" again. I pause briefly, confused, but turn around and continue walking. This happens several times and I understand what I have to do now. Eventually, I make it to the door and open it, stepping through. I stop and turn around. That was very interesting. 

I turn back around and continue through the next few doors, not encountering anyone. Unfortunately for me, when I walk through door 64, guess who's just standing there, waiting for me.


My face grows hot with anger and I clench my fists. Why won't he leave me alone? He notices my anger and puts his hands up.

"Calm down, Y/N. I just want to talk. I won't come close to you, I swear. Just...please listen to what I have to say," he begs me, his face full of pain.

I sigh and unclench my fists.

"You have three minutes," I say.

"That's all I'll need," he replies, and starts talking.


Hey! Sorry to leave this on a cliffhanger. I need to eat lunch and get some things done. I'm sorry to leave this on a cliffhanger, but I'll come out with the next part either today, tomorrow, or Friday. I have a busy week, so updates might be slow.

Antyways, have a good day/night!

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