Guiding Light x GN Reader

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Requestee is @FaithRaePreston

Sorry I've been away for a while. Unfortunately, I have a life that I must attend to.

I hope y'all enjoy!^^


Because of your stupid friends, you're now trapped in a hotel full of entities trying to have your head. You've had to hide in a closet from a Flash wannabe who kept screaming obscenities at the unforgiving world. Then, you came across an annoying entity with tentacles coming out of his back who invaded your personal space and said "psst" in your ear. He got back-handed. Then, you came across a ghost-man who couldn't decide if he wanted you to walk through his hallway or not. You're not in a good mood. You really want to just sit down and cry.

You act tough, but deep inside, you're scared. You're friends dared you to spend the night in an abandoned hotel. Little did all of you know that you'd get trapped inside and have entities trying to end you faster then Elon Musk could buy Twitter.

You come across a room and the lights flicker. You run to a closet, but you see an eye on the wall, watching you. You open the closet, but wait to see who's coming now. No one comes, so you cautiously continue on through the next door. The lights flicker a little more aggressively, and there are more eyes on the wall.

You turn towards a closet, but again, no one comes to send you to the grave before you can blink. You continue through three more rooms like this, and then find yourself in a long hallway. You sigh in relief and start walking down the hallway.

Before you reach the door, however, you hear a liquid-like sound and turn around. You're greeted by a seven-foot-tall goo monster. He looks at you and starts charging straight towards you. Your eyes grow wide and you turn around and start running.

You open the door and notice a lot of stuff fall over. You notice that same blue light that shows up in dark rooms illuminating the places for you to crawl under. You make it to the next door and barge through. You notice a room with paths to the left and right. You look left, but don't see the door. You look right and don't see it either. You hear footsteps quickly approaching and quickly dart to the left. You see that same blue light at a door you didn't see before and sprint towards it. The monster is right behind you and your eyes start to fill with tears as you run towards the blue light.

You don't think you're gonna make it. You reach the door, but before you can open it, the light around it glows extremely bright and you have to close your eyes. You feel arms wrap around you and you squeeze your eyes tightly closed, bracing yourself for death. However, it never comes.

Everything around you goes quiet. You don't hear the goo monster running at you, you just hear the buzzing lights and your heavy breathing. You still feel arms around you. You tense up and keep your eyes tightly shut. You're shaking due to adrenaline and fear, but the person with their arms around you just holds you close, not harming you at all. It feels...comforting.

With all the strength you can muster, you look up at the person holding you. You see a beautiful young woman. She glows faintly blue, but has pale skin and blonde hair. She looks at you with a concerned look on her face. Is she the blue light?

Your eyes meet and she loosens her grip on you. She gives you a soft smile, and you immediately feel calmer, almost like she's taking your fear away.

"Are you all right?" She asks. Her voice is soft and warm.

You look at her, eyes wide and still slightly shaking. You try to gather your words, but none come, so you nod your head weakly.

"Hold on. I'll be right back," the young woman says.

She stands up and goes into another room. A few seconds later, she comes back with a cup and hands it to you. You look in it and smell something sweet. You see a brown beverage. It looks like tea.

The woman smiles. "It's honey tea. Try it! I made it myself."

You look at her, unsure. You look back at the tea. Well, I have nothing to lose, you think to yourself. You take a tiny sip of the tea and immediately feel calm and warm inside. You look back at the woman and smile a small smile. If it's poisoned, you don't care. At least you'll go out with a sweet taste in your mouth.

"Well," she says, turning herself to face you more, "what's your name if I may ask?"

You take another sip of the honey tea and feel calmer. You sigh, relieved at the calm feeling inside you.

"My-my name is Y/N," you say hesitantly.

The woman smiles kindly. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Guiding Light. But you can call me Light for short if you want."

You nod and hold out your hand for her to shake. She smiles again, slowly reaching out to take your hand, as to not startle you. Her hand is surprisingly soft and warm.

"So, Y/N, how did you end up in this horrible place?" Light asks, genuinely curious.

"W-well," you begin, taking another sip of the tea, "to make a long story short, my friends dared me to spend the night in an abandoned hotel. Well, we thought it was abandoned." You say, looking down at the tea in your hand.

"Oh," Light says, understandingly, "I see. You entered this hotel, and...and now..." she looks down at her hands.

You stare into the tea, as if it's going to tell you your fate. Light puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Well, my job is to guide any humans who happen in here, so that's what I'm going to do." She says confidently. "I'm gonna get you out of here, Y/N."


Well, this is part 1. I'll try to make part two tomorrow or sometime this week.

Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/holiday to you all! I hope you spread love and happiness! (Not just with fictional characters, you simps!)

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