Hide (Female) x GN Reader

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Heyo everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been unmotivated. But I'll try to get more parts out for you guys! Just send me some requests on the requests page and I'll get to the as soon as I can!

Hide has been requested to be female. So, I hope you all enjoy!

Requestee is FaithRaePreston. I hope you like it!


You're starting to get really annoyed with Rush. He seems to be behind every three doors. You just want to slap that cringey smile off his face. 

Unsurprisingly, the lights flicker, and Rush comes careening through the hotel again. You run to the nearest closet and close the doors just in time as Rush rampages through the room, laughing maniacally. He knows exactly what he's doing.

You growl quietly, extremely annoyed. You sit there for a bit, trying to stop your seething. You hear a frustrated sigh and look around.

"Get out," a voice in your ear says, irked.

"S-sorry," you say, reaching for the door.

"Wait," the voice commands, followed by a hand lightly grabbing your arm.

You turn around to see a beautiful young woman in the wall of the closet.

You both stare at each other for a minute, then she pulls you through the wall. It's like being pulled through thick mud, but you're on the other side in a few short seconds. She sits you down on a cozy bed and sits next to you. She seems fascinated by you.

"Why have you been hiding in my closets so much?" The woman asks.

"Rush won't leave me alone." You say. "He seems to be waiting behind every few doors. I haven't even come across anyone else."

The woman looks irritated by this.

"He's such an annoying, inconceivable imbecile!" She says, slamming her fists down on her thighs.

You smile and chuckle lightly at her outburst. She looks at you and smiles back, a warm, beautiful smile.

"Why don't you rest in here for a bit. Calm your nerves?" she suggests.

"Sure. That sounds good," you respond, immediately cheering up.

"Oh, I'm Hide by the way. What's your name?" Hide asks. 

"My name is Y/N," you reply.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N," Hide says, extending her hand for you to shake. 

You take it and gently shake her hand. She stands up and carefully lays you down, stroking your cheek softly. She pats your head and quietly leaves through the wall.

You close your eyes and clear your mind. You lay like that for so long, you don't even hear Hide come back. She lays down next to you and wraps her arms around you in a warm, and safe embrace.

She looks at your face, admiring everything about you.

"Is this okay?" She asks, loosening her grip a little.

"Oh, yeah! I don't mind at all!" You respond, with a welcoming smile.

"Okay," she replies, cuddling you a little closer to her. 

You both lay there, quiet and still. It's not long before you both fall asleep.


You wake up feeling warm and safe. Hide is awake next to you, watching you, captivated by your stunning appearance.

"How did you sleep?" She asks.

"I slept well. How about you?" You reply, a light blush spreading across your soft cheeks.

"Better now that you're here," Hide admits, lightly blushing herself.

You both stare into each other's eyes, blushing harder and harder. Hide reaches her hand up, placing it lightly on your cheek. She closes her eyes and leans in closer to you.

Your heart begins to beat faster and your stomach fills with butterflies. She's about to kiss you! Get yourself together! You close your eyes and lean in closer to her. Your lips meet and you both kiss for a few seconds. Hide gently pulls away, looking at you lovingly.

She pulls you up so that your head is resting on her chest. She wraps her arms around your stomach and holds you. You smile and your face is hot. 

She leans her head down and plants a light kiss on your forehead, letting her lips linger there for a few seconds before pulling away.

And that is how you fell in love with the hot closet demon woman.


Sorry it's so short. I've never written romance this intense before. I hope it's good and you all enjoyed it!

I'll be out with more parts soon! See ya then!

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