Rush x Reader - Part 3 (Final Part)

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I'm so sorry for the very late update. My life's kinda hectic and my Wi-Fi router broke, and I don't like typing stories on my phone because I'm a slow texter. Here's the final part for Rush x reader. I hope you all like it. And if you have any requests, please submit them on the requests page. If you'd like to remain anonymous, you can DM me your request as well. ^^


You wake up in the same position you fell asleep in. You sit up and rub your eyes, getting the gunk out of the corners. You look to your right and see Rush sitting in the exact spot and position he was when you fell asleep. He's leaning his head back against the chair he's leaning on, and his eyes are closed. You look around the room, just to have something to do.

"Sleep well?" Rush asks.

You look over and see that his eyes are open and he's looking at you. You nod your head and swing your legs over the side of the bed. You rest your elbows on your thighs and cup your chin in your hands. Rush looks at you, watching your every move.

You remember how you treated him and you look down at him, as he's still sitting on the floor. You open your mouth to speak, and it takes you a few seconds to form a sentence.

"Rush...I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier. It's just, well, you almost killed me until you saw my face, then said that you wouldn't hurt me. Then you proceeded to follow me around and I...I don't like being followed," you explain in a rush. Rush nods along, understanding.

"Y/N, I'm really sorry for making you uncomfortable. You have no reason to apologize. I should be the only one at fault here. I should've just listened to you when you told me to leave you alone. So, I'm sorry," Rush says, looking at the floor, ashamed of himself.

"Thanks for your apology, Rush. That means a lot to me. And I forgive you," you say, sliding down onto the floor to be at the same level as him.

Rush looks at you and smiles, grateful for your forgiveness.

"Well, you can go if you want. I'll make sure no one tries to kill you. I know you just want to get out of here, so I won't stop you anymore," Rush says, gesturing to the door on your left.

You sigh, unsure of what you want to do. You look at the door, then at Rush. Rush looks at you, then down at the ground. He fidgets with his fingers, waiting for your decision.

"Rush...I want to go home. My mom needs me, and I can't leave her. She's all the family I have left, and she's sick. Will you be okay?" You ask, looking at Rush, hoping he understands and will be okay.

Rush, still looking at the floor, nods his head. A look of remembrance crosses his face and he slowly stands up, trying not to startle you. He gives you a "one minute" signal, then walks out of the room. 10 seconds later, he returns with three bottles of vitamins. He walks up to you and kneels in front of you, holding out the bottles to you.

"Here. These should help her," he says, placing the bottles in your hand, "have her take two every day. These should last for three months. She should start feeling better."

You look at the pills, surprised. You look up at him and shake your head.

"Her illness isn't curable with vitamins, Rush," you say, sadness evident in your voice.

"Well, these aren't your typical vitamins, Y/N. These are vitamins that regain your health if Screech, Timothy, Halt, or Eyes were to damage you. They boost your health when you're injured. They also can boost your health if you're not injured physically. And they can help, and sometimes cure illnesses," Rush explains patiently.

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