Guiding Light x GN Reader - Part 3 (Final Part)

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Heyo guys! I'm so sorry for being almost a month late for the update. Life can get to ya. Well, for those that were wanting it, here's the final part! I hope you guys like it!


You start running through rooms just like the one you were saved in by Light. She makes her light extremely bright for you to find the next door right when you open each one. You make it to the last room. This room has fallen chandeliers that are on fire, and black hands coming out of the walls. You dodge them and make it to the door. You barrel through and lean on the wall to your left, panting.

Seek stops at the door, looking at you annoyed, but relieved. Light appears next to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. You look up at her, and she smiles, relieved. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Seek smirk at you, then he closes the door, leaving you and Light alone.

"See? I told you you wouldn't mess up," you say to Light, hugging her back.

"Yes, you did," she says, grateful for you believing in her.

"Don't doubt yourself, Light. You have to believe in yourself if you're going to succeed in anything," you  say, your voice soft.

"Yeah, I know. I just-didn't want to lose you, Y/N," she says, looking at you solemnly.

"Well, you won't lose me, Light. As long as you're here, I'll be fine," you reassure her.

She smiles and motions for you to continue through the hotel. You go through a few rooms without anymore encounters. But when you reach door 97, the lights flicker and you hear a vacuum-like sound quickly approaching.

"It's Ambush! Hurry! Get in a closet!" Guiding Light says, pulling you to a closet.

You get inside and Ambush comes careening through the room. The lights go out, not shattering like they do when Rush comes through. You step out of the closet. Right as you do, you hear Ambush coming back and Light's face pulls into a mix of annoyance and anger. Before she can tell you, you jump back inside the closet. This repeats three more times before Ambush stops. You step out of the closet and light hugs you.

"You're a quick learner," she chuckles.

"Yeah," you say breathlessly, slightly exasperated from hopping in and out of the closet.

"Okay. Three more doors then you're free," Light says, sounding a little sad, though she tries not to show it.

You continue through the next two rooms. When you open door 100, you see a set of double doors made of metal. There's a lever to the left of them. You look at Light, and she has a frown on her face. But it goes away the second you look at her, replaced by a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. You can tell she doesn't want you to leave. You walk up to her and take her hands. You look into her eyes, and she looks back into yours. Her eyes fill with tears, but she blinks them away.

"Light? Are you okay? Please be honest," you say, already knowing the answer.

She sighs and looks down, unable to hold your gaze. A single tear escapes from the corner of her eye.

"I...I don't want you to go," she says quietly. "You're the first human I've ever cared so much about. But I know you want to go home, so..."

Your face softens and you reach up and stroke her hair. She looks at you, trying not to cry. Your heart hurts for the woman trapped in this hotel.

"Light...I..." you say. You can't say what you want to. I do want to go home.

"It-it's okay, Y/N. I know you want to go home. You didn't deserve to be put through all of this," she says, putting a hand on your shoulder.

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