Male Guiding Light x Fem Reader (High School AU)

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This was requested by KatyKowalski. I hope you like it!


The first day of 11th grade is finally here and Y/N walks through the doors of the school, heading to her new locker. She looks on her phone to look at the locker number once more to make sure she has the right locker. She does and puts the key that she got in the mail a few days ago into the lock. She turns it and the locker swings open. She puts her books, lunch box, and phone inside before shutting the locker. The students are allowed to have their phones in class, but Y/N would prefer to focus on her work without any distractions.

As she turns to head to her homeroom class, she sees a boy walk up to the locker next to her. He's kind of cute she thinks to herself. He has ocean blue eyes, pale skin, and blond, curly hair. He wears a sky-blue long sleeve shirt and blue jeans with black-and-white tennis shoes. He glances over at her and smiles, nodding in her direction. She smiles back and continues walking to class.

As she enters the classroom, she sees only a handful of students already there. Everyone else is either in the cafeteria eating breakfast, getting a paper-copy of their schedule from the office, in the library, or milling about the halls catching up with friends or on their phones. Y/N sits down at a desk in the middle of the classroom and pulls her school laptop from her bag, logging in and entering her school's website to look at what the teacher planned for the class today.

As she reads the lessons the teacher has planned for the week, she's completely oblivious to someone taking the desk to her right. After she skims through the list of lessons, she opens a new tab and types in the URL to the website the teacher put on the lesson plan. It's a "get to know me" website and Y/N's not surprised in the slightest. Her school does this every year. After all, a lot can happen in one summer. She starts filling in the blanks and checking the boxes, completely oblivious of the boy watching her intently.

As she finishes filling out the form, she sits back and looks around the classroom, her eyes landing on the boy whose gaze is still fixed on her. She smiles at him and he smiles back and turns away, blushing slightly.

"Um hi. I'm Y/N. What's your name?" She asks the overly cliche introduction.

The boy turns back to her and blushes even deeper, but manages to respond almose nonchalantly.

"My name's Light," he says, extending his hand for her to shake.

Y/N smiles and shakes his hand, slightly blushing herself. They sit in awkward silence for a few moments, but Light attempts to start a conversation.

"So Y/N, what's your favorite video game?" Light asks, smiling nervously.

Y/N smiles back, eager to answer his question.

"Oh, definitely Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I've been playing it since it came out. What about you?" She responds.

"Really? Same! I love SSBU. Who do you main? I main Sephiroth," Light says, giddy for her response.

"I main Zelda, but I'm working on maining Pit and Cloud, so your Sephiroth better watch out," Y/N taunts, smirking smugly.

"Oh really? We'll see about that," Light claps back, chuckling eagerly.

They talk and laugh until the bell rings and the teacher introduses herself to the class. As first period continues, Light and Y/N keep glancing at each other, occasionally giggling at one another like elementary schoolgirls. When the bell rings, Y/N puts her laptop back inside her backpack and stands up. Light follows suit, walking around the desks to walk with her out of the classroom.

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