Requests Page

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You DOORS fanatics can comment your requests here! Make sure they abide by the rules I set in place, or they'll be ignored.

I really hope y'all enjoy my oneshots!

If you have a scene idea, please don't hesitate to comment it1

Also, if you have a request but want to remain anonymous, you can DM me and I'll write it and won't tag you in it.

The next page will be explaining what the entities will look like for the sake of the oneshots.

Hey y'all!!! Since the new DOORS update came out early, I decided to add the new entities as characters in my oneshots!!! I really hope you guys come up with great ideas for me to write!!! I'm looking forward to it!!

I'm trying to make more time for writing, but if I'm being honest, I've been playing the update and crying over my now more than 520 deaths. Yes. I'm being for real. And here's proof!

 And here's proof!

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And yes. I play on low graphics because my laptop can't handle any level above a three.

Also I'm not doing Snare. I...even with my creativity and cringiness wouldn't be able to handle making an inanimate object with a mind of its own humanoid. Let alone shipping it with you. Sorry. If I get 20 comments asking me to make Snare an option, I'll do it. Otherwise, it'll just be there in the story if I want it to be.

Anytways, I really hope you guys have had fun playing the update! I know I'm having a ball...of dying more-

Have an amazing day/night!

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