Guiding Light x GN Reader - Part 2

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You continue through this cursed hotel. Well, everything's cursed except for one. And that's the glowing blue woman who's following you and making sure you don't get murdered by any of her compadres. You enter door 0049 and see a set of double doors a sickly shade of orange. Light lightly places a hand on your shoulder to stop you.

"Y/N wait," she says, her tone somber.

You turn around and look at her concerned. "Light? Is everything okay?" You ask, your eyes meeting hers.

She nods. "I just need to tell you what to expect when you step through these doors," she says, her eyes fixated on the sickly orange doors.

You look back at the doors, then back at Light. "O-okay," you say, your voice a little shaky.

Guiding Light tells you about the code and what you have to do in order to find it. You nod along as she speaks, listening intently, as your life is on the line. As she finishes, you hear a growling sound coming from the other side of the doors. Your eyes grow wide and Light puts a warm hand on your shoulder.

"As I said, I'll illuminate the books so you can find them easier. And the paper is on the desk behind the bookshelves on the left," she repeats, patiently waiting for you to calm down.

You nod your head and turn towards the doors, ready to face this challenge. You approach the doors, Light close behind, and push them open. You see the entity she called Figure on the other side of the library up the stairs by the exit doors. Light said he's blind, so you have to crouch or crawl so he doesn't sense or hear where you are. Figure turns in the direction of the entrance doors and starts walking down the stairs. You get on your hands and knees and start crawling to the desk on the left behind the bookshelves.

Figure starts walking around the library trying to find you as you grab the paper and start looking for the books Light illuminated for you. He gets close to you a few times, but Light saves you by making a noise to distract it. She ends up notifying him of her presence and pulls it into a corner to talk. You see Figure nodding at what Light is telling him, and they both walk in your direction.

Your heart starts racing and you back into a corner. Light holds out a hand across Figure's stomach, indicating him to stop. She approaches you and kneels down next to you. She puts her arm through yours and looks into your eyes as she speaks softly to you.

"Y/N? Figure here is going to help us. Is that okay with you?" She asks, smiling sincerely.

You look at her, then at Figure, then back at her. Slowly, you nod your head yes. Light smiles and glows brighter with delight as she pulls you to your feet, her arm still locked in yours. She turns to Figure and slowly approaches it, with you in toe.

"Figure, Y/N said that they don't mind," Light beamed, glowing brighter as she looks over at you.

It nods. "Good. Follow me," he says. His voice is deep and kinda scary, but you know it's not going to hurt you since Guiding Light put in a good word for you.

He leads you and Guiding Light to the doors at the top of the stairs and lifts up the metal plate covering a combination lock. Figure turns back to you and gestures to the lock, motioning for you to walk to it.

Light smiles warmly and takes her arm out of yours, gently pushing you towards the lock with the very scary eight-foot-tall monster next to it. You oblige and step in front of the lock.

"The code is 1, 5, 0, 2, 4," Figure tells you. taking a few steps back to give you some space.

You start putting in the code, your hands slightly shaking. After you make sure you put in all the right numbers, you press the green button on the right of the lock, and you hear a click. The lock breaks, indicating that you can now open the doors. You look back at Light and Figure, and smile shiley. Light walks up to you and puts her arm through yours. She turns back to Figure and thanks him for its help, then walks you out of the library.

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