Halt (Female) x Reader (Female) - Part 1

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So, in this oneshot, Halt is female. She wears a navy blue hoodie with white strings, blue skinny jeans, and black and white tennis shoes. Her hair is black and reaches just past her armpit, and she has bangs.

Requestee is FaithRaePreston. I hope you really love this one!!

I open my eyes to find myself in a familiar elevator. I sit up and look around. I seem to be in the elevator from DOORS, a very popular game on Roblox. I stand up and press the button to open the door and step out. I've played this game a lot, so I know what to do. I walk around the desk and grab the key, then walk to the door and unlock it.

When the door is open, the key disappears from my hand. I start going through the doors one by one, avoiding Rush, Screech, and Eyes. When I open the 22nd door, the lights flicker like crazy, indicating that Halt is next. I open the door and step inside the hallway. The door slams behind me. I jump, startled. I look behind me for a second, then face forward again and start walking down the hallway.

As I get about halfway down the hallway, I realize that Halt hasn't told me to turn around yet. I slow my pace a little, curious as to why Halt hasn't shown up. As I gradually slow my pace, I look around. I see something out of the corner of my eye and slowly turn around. I see a girl a short, but reasonable distance behind me. She has glowing blue eyes and blue skin.

I realize it's Halt and turn away, so I don't get hurt. I start to walk again.

"Stop," a shy, timid voice behind me commands.

I obey, stopping. I hear Halt approaching me and tense up a little. She walks past me, keeping as much distance between us as possible in this cramped hallway. She stands a few feet in front of me and stares at me. She looks at my face, seeming to take in every detail. She takes a small step closer, and I force myself to stay still.

Halt notices my unease and says, "I-I won't hurt you." Her voice is soft and quiet.

I nod my head and continue to stand still. I don't want to do anything to upset her. I look down at my feet as the awkwardness sets in.

"Uh-" Halt starts to say, she sounds unsure of what she wants to say, "this hallway is stuffy."

I look back up at her and nod my head in agreement, still too scared to speak.

"You-you can go if you want, I'll understand," she says, stepping to the side to let me pass if I choose.

I look down again. This is an unexpected turn of events. Instead of walking down the hallway to survive Halt, I'm standing in the middle of it, vaguely interacting with her.

She senses my confusion and slowly walks up to me. She lightly grabs my hand and gently guides me down the rest of the hallway. She opens the door and leads me out. She steps back into the hallway and starts to close the door.

"I-uh," I try to thank her, but my words seem to have gotten jumbled, so I stop myself before saying incoherent gibberish.

She stops closing the door and looks at me, patiently waiting for me to gather my words.

"Th-thank you...I-uh," I stammer, managing to get the words I wanted to say out. I have to force my voice to stop working again.

She smiles and nods. "You're welcome."

She closes the door and I stand there, dumbfounded and muddled. I continue through the hotel, avoiding Screech and Rush once more before reaching door 0031. The lights flicker and I see an eye by a light on the wall in front of me. My heart drops and my hands start sweating. It's almost time to run from Seek. I'm good at it in the game, but I don't think I can make it in real life.

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