Hide (Male) x Reader (Male)

542 11 9

This oneshot was requested by ChaosAndSoup! I hope you like this one!

WARNING: This chapter contains the loss of a parent. Please proceed with caution if that is a sensitive topic for you!


As I enter room 0017, the lights flicker for the third time and I run to a closet. I hear the all-too-familiar sound of Rush careening through the hotel. I jump inside the closet, sighing in annoyance and wait for Rush to pass through the room and destroy the lights, which will make me have to be careful where I step so I don't get cut. My ill-brained self decided to wear flip-flops on the one day my dad decided to take us on a road trip to the next state over. Little did we know that we'd end up getting in a wreck.

My dad had died on impact and I managed to get out with only a few scratches, cuts, and bruises. I was stuck in a city I'd never heard of and refused to let the police take me into foster care. I ran away and found a hotel and thought that I could crash there for a few nights. But then I ended up being trapped and hunted by murderous entities that want blood.

As Rush disappears after opening the next door, I groan and move to open the doors, but decide to just sit down and rest in the dark in an attempt to clear my head. As I just begin to calm down, my heart starts to beat fast and I begin to hallucinate. I start hearing a voice whispering and telling me to "get out". I sigh and begin to extend my feet to push the doors open. The voice grows louder and I grit my teeth in frustration.

"Okay okay fine! I'm getting out!" I say, my voice a little harsher than I'd intended. I grab the doorknobs and pull myself to my feet, stumbling out of the closet. As I let go of the doors to let them close, I hear them stop and a voice come from inside the closet.

"Hey don't be harsh with me. I'm just doing my job," the voice in the closet says.

I turn around to look at the entity, but I can't really see him. I roll my eyes and look over to the next door. I sigh and look back at the entity who's outline is the only thing I can see.

"Sorry. I'm probably gonna be hopping in and out of your closets. This is the third time Rush has come barreling through the hotel. I swear he has it out for me," I grumble, fiddling with the strings on my F/C hoodie.

The entity sighs and opens the closet door a little more. I can kind of see his face, but most of it is still obscured by the shadows. He seems to be examining me. The door opens even wider and he steps one foot out of the closet and onto the carpet. I take a step towards the next door, ready to bolt if need be. The entity steps fully out of the closet and closes it, his eyes still locked on me. I can see his face now. He's kinda cute if I'm being honest.

He takes a step towards me, and I take another towards the door. He steps even closer, and I take a larger step in the direction of the next door. The entity smiles, amused my my readiness to go. He quickly takes three steps towards me, causing me to flinch and stagger back, coming in contact with a wall.

The entity closes the distance between us and smiles triumphantly at his success in trapping me. His eyes flicker all over my face, lingering on my lips for a split second. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Are you gonna kill me or are you just gonna fool around?" I ask, my tone bored.

"Hmm," he says, pretending to ponder on his answer, "well, I could fool around if you want-" he answers, smirking at me.

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