Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 Playing the Little Servant.

    What do you mean... His girlfriend is me?

    Jian Cuo stared at the scarlet letters floating on the website, and stared at the door of the bedroom. A bad feeling rose up, and her Adam's apple scrolled down to see the explosive comments in the comment area. I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, and I brushed up the words "Congratulations to the New Year".

    And in the lower left corner of the comment, there are four small gray characters - from the imperial capital.

    Jian Cuo held her breath, and suddenly remembered how to check the IP address of readers when she was a mixed station.

    Afterwards, he inquired through a series of complex numbers of IP addresses, which was the same as the IP address he is currently using.     It's really Ye Zhen

    who wants to cover it up.     Ye Zhen is the reader who has accompanied him since the beginning of his writing, gave him encouragement and expectation, and has never been late.     He recalled years ago, when Ye Zhen became his first reader, reading those childish and shameful words with full of emotion, but he hated her at that time, always felt that she was laughing at him, but he didn't expect that she was reading seriously. Yes, I have been reading it until now, and have accompanied him through a long, long creative past.     If you want to cover up, Ye Zhen really wants to cover up.     What she reminded him when she first appeared was that he never thought about Ye Zhen.     "I'm your first reader."     "As long as you write, I'll read it."     "I thought you didn't like my opinion."     "I've read every word of your story."     Jane didn't wear any shoes by mistake, ran out of the bedroom with bare feet, and went downstairs in a hurry, her heart was beating, and she saw alpha sitting in the living room, closing the computer and smiling at him. The tip of     his nose It's sour, I think of Alpha saying that he likes him ignorantly at the age of eighteen, but he only hates her blindly, remembering all her bad things one-sidedly.

    "Wrong, come here." Ye Zhen looked at him with open hands, and said in a low voice.

    Jane took three wrong steps and walked over to her arms in two steps, rubbing against her neck, her chest was swollen, as if it was about to be gradually filled by something.

    He said in a muffled voice, "You didn't tell me earlier."

    Why did this person behave so sour and sweet all of a sudden, and he was a little... touched.

    Omega crashed into Ye Zhen's arms like a small firecracker, she put her arms around his waist, patted his back lightly and said with a smile, "I told you earlier, do you still write novels?"

    Jane nodded by mistake, then shook her head again , looked down at her with his little head out, pouted his lips and said honestly: "No, I will definitely commit suicide under a pseudonym, and then delete all the articles, and don't show you a single word."

    Ye Zhen smiled.

    "You're still laughing!" Jane hit her chest with her fist by mistake, and said indignantly, "When I was writing, you laughed at me! I burned that notebook afterwards!"

    "I didn't laugh at you."

    "You Laughing like that at the time!"

    "I can't wait."

    "I can't wait?"

    "I can't wait to know your joy, your dream, everything you want in the future."

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