Chapter 9

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Chapter 09: Jane's Mistakes!

    Jane is not happy.

    First, it doesn’t want to choose one of the eight kinds of cat food to eat;

    second, the pheromone machine went to the police station, and he wanted to go up to listen to the progress of the police, so he was sent home by the agency;

    third, the network experience post It shows that Alpha carries pheromones all the time, so he has to find a way to do it all the time, and he wastes a lot of time;

    fourth, Ye Zhen's assistant Xiao Cheng takes care of two dogs and a cat, and looks for him every now and then, which makes sneaking foragers His risk of being caught increases;

    fifth, eat too many snacks and lose weight.

    Here's the thing.

    A few days ago, Ye Zhen gave him a basin full of stinky cat food, but Jane refused to eat it by mistake, and secretly threw the cat food into the garbage bag, then rummaged through the villa to find something to eat, and ate the messy snacks There are a lot of them, and the stomach can't stand the collective protest.

    Right now, he was squatting on the toilet bowl, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

    In order not to let Xiao Cheng see his flustered appearance, Ye Zhen ridiculed him. He specially picked the bathroom attached to Ye Zhen's room, and pulled it back and forth several times. After flushing the toilet, he floated out of the bathroom. He didn't want to go anywhere, he just wanted to find a place to lie down and lay down.

    Look at the bed, I can't jump on it.

    Take a look at the closet and take a break as a cat's nest.


    He got into the closet and lay down on the stacked suit pants, with his cat head drooping, he found a thick script.

    On the cover above, the script auditory hallucinations are printed in large characters, and the screenwriter of the inscription is mediocre, and the writing time in the lower right corner is June of the previous two years.

    ……This is? ?

    Jane's eyes straightened, and so did her neck: "Huh?"

    Jane turned to the first page with her claws in disbelief, and as expected, she saw the familiar text, and her ice-blue eyes gradually widened: "Meow ?”

    Is it his contribution? Why are you here?

    Why did Ye Zhen keep it in the cabinet? Shouldn't it have disappeared long ago, or thrown into the trash can as waste paper?

    In fact, Jian Cuo's original dream was not to be a vase in the entertainment industry.

    He has been fond of creating since he was a teenager. He used to create dramas in junior high and high school classes, and he also participated in the interpretation because of his good looks.

    At that time, Ye Zhen was very mean-spirited, taking photos of the vicious princess he played as a cameo, his cheeks burned with shame, and he racked his brains to get Ye Zhen to delete those photos. ,

    When he was 14 or 15 years old, he especially liked watching TV dramas. His parents wouldn’t let him watch them, so he sneaked to Ye Zhen’s house to watch them. There seemed to be thousands of strange worlds in TV dramas, and each story was full of fun.

    It never occurred to him to be the man on the TV.

    What he wants to be is the person who creates the story.

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