Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Ye Zhen likes you.

    The wind from more than ten floors blows towards Jane's forehead, and the empty sky is under her feet, dizziness and fear suddenly invade.

    The walls of the hotel are paved with aqua blue bricks in a European style, and there are two-decimeter-wide horizontal plates under the windows.

    Jane pulled the window shut with her claws, ready to climb over the horizontal board to the next room, and then escape.

    He turned his head to look at Ye Zhen, she turned pale and shook her head slightly, as if she was begging him.

    beg him? How can it be? She just wants to bully him!

    What do you want him to do? Why is she panicking?

    "Don't move!" Ye Zhen lowered his hands slightly, stared at the cat that had stopped, and tried his best to calm himself down.

    She took a small step forward cautiously, and said in a gentle tone, "Stand there and don't move,'s dangerous there."

    Dangerous? Jane is not a fool, of course he knows the danger.

    But the most dangerous person in this room is Ye Zhen! He never rubbed Ye Zhen's pheromone again, and stayed far away from her.

    He is sure that Ye Zhen will bully him unscrupulously in the future, he has no ability to resist at all, why don't he run away now and wait for the New Year?

    "Hiss!" Jane mistakenly looked at her and grinned at her as a warning. It was a low and persistent sharp voice. She pulled her back feet forward and climbed up the window lattice with four feet, vigilantly watching her every move.

    do not come!

    Seeing him stepping on the window sill, Ye Zhen would have to roll down if he didn't pay attention.

    Every cell in her body seemed to be drained of strength, she stopped, her eyes became scarlet, and she realized that softness was useless, her voice was low and hoarse, she gritted her teeth and threatened: "How dare you!


    When he thought of all the grievances in the past, he was terribly wronged, especially Ye Zhen was serious to others, and he was very bad to him!

    In comparison, he is an out-and-out fool!

    The wind blows against his hair, and it is easy to catch a glimpse of the abyss on the side if you don't pay attention.

    Jane walked forward by mistake, and bravely walked a few steps forward against the wall.

    It's all right, it's easy to step on the horizontal board to the next room, calm down...

    Ye Zhen never thought that Jian Cuo would leave without hesitation.

    Do you hate her that much? Even if it is so dangerous that she may die, she must leave her no matter the cost.

    She looked at the cat's nervous look with its tail upright, her heart seemed to be tightly held by something, and she didn't dare to say a word, for fear of scaring Jane by mistake.

    Seeing the cat disappear by the window, she rushed up and gently opened the window, stretched her neck to see his trembling limbs, walking very hard.

    She grabbed the window lattice and stared at his every move, her breathing became cautious, wishing she could go for him.

    No, nothing can happen if you make a mistake.

I just want to rub your pheromone [Female A Male O]Where stories live. Discover now