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You picked off a piece of the spikey ground Overjerk was having his tantrum on and then searched your bracelet for some kind of key hole or deactivation thing.

There was a small circle of a hole on the side of your wrist, so you stuck the sharp thing into it, twisting it. You tried shaving it down and stabbing it sideways, but all your efforts did nothing. You hit your wrist against the spikes in the ground and hissed at the pain.

The pain was replaced by adrenaline, so you hit it again, and again and again. You smashed your hand into the spikes, ignoring the pain and bruises and blood. You needed to get your ass back in the fight. You needed to return the favour of the blond haired boy, to help Midoriya. To save Eri and get her out.

You attempts, as much damage they caused, we're starting to work. Your anger of nothing happening only made you stronger. You started to move faster, being close to breaking your own hand.

You couldn't let his quirk be gone for no reason. You had to help the blond boy. He was bleeding for you. Midoriya is fighting Overjerk. Eri is god knows where and most likely scared, you shouldn't of left her, but you needed to do this.

You put your whole body weight into breaking the bracelet, until finally - you heard the satisfaction of the bracelet breaking, and falling off your wrist. There were marks all over your hand. You smiled, laughing that you were able to do it, then went into the same energy for the next bracelet. Ruining your hand to get it off. Smashing it with your whole weight, with all your strength.

And then that broke as well. Your quirk was free. It felt like oxygen was better, more clean now. Like you finally did the stretch you needed to. Your hands were shaking. From the adrenaline pump or the pain, you didn't know.
You looked back to Aizawa-

"Aizawa!" Your eyes widened, not seeing sight of the man anywhere. It was possible he moved away, but you had no idea if he was fighting or villain or being beat up.

"Y/n!" Your heard your own name being called, and you whip your head around. You saw Midoriya running over to you with that determined look on his face. "Are you alright?!"

You could only stare at him, not answering. As he came closer, he started to slow down. You ran at him, wrapping your arms around the boy. He was shocked, neithertheless.
"Thank you." You still had wide eyes as you gripped his hero costume. "Thank you for coming to help."

"Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" He asked, gently hugging you back, but relasing and looking at your head.

"Many times."

"It's okay now- what happened to your hands?!" Midoriya looked down and saw the familiar marks around your hands and the bruises and blood that scattered around them.

"Well, at least I didn't chop my hands off. The League of Villains are involved with this, it was the same kinds of bracelet my brother had on me in Kamino..." You breathed out a shaky breath. "I'll be fine though - Eri! Where is Eri?!"

"Mirio has her, come on, hop on my back." He turned his back, and you were reluctant, but climbed on his back anyway. It only took a few moments before you saw Eri again, completely unharmed.

"Eri! Lemillion!" Midoriya comforted them both, and you left his back, taking Eri into your arms as you hugged the frightened girl. "Are you alright? Can you move?"

"Yeah..." The blond boy croaked out. "No problem, right?...I ended up...making you sad..."

Eri was trembling so much, she shook your body as you rub your hand over her shoulder, trying to keep her warm.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Midoriya said, moving to his feet.

You helped Eri to her feet, but you supported the Mirio boy to his feet, the blood of his wounds seeping into the baggy top and sweatpants  you were wearing since you got in this hell hole. Midoriya walked over to a weak spot in the wall and kicked it down, showing a hallway to escape in.
"This is the path we took to get here. it should put some distance between us and Chisaki."

"That's...enough..." It was the first time you heard Eri speak today, and she was already crying. "I'm sorry..."

"Eri..." You ducked down to her height, wiping the tears from her eyes.

You were going to say something, but the scream and the sound of being impaled took your attention. You made sure Eri couldn't look as you became more alert and turn your head to the man being stabbed. He looked familiar, and you could've sworn you've seen him before.

"Sir..." The Mirio boy croaked out once more.

Sir? As in Sir Nighteye? All Might's first and only sidekick?

You watched with wide eyes as spikes were impaled into his stomach and arm, blood spitting out of his mouth. Midoriya ran forward, green sparks emitting from all over him. The green haired boy stopped before Chisaki impaled him as well.

"Lemillion! Y/n! Please take care of Eri!" Midoriya shouted back.

You nodded at him and swallowed. You ushered Eri froward and brought Mirio's arm over your shoulder, making him lean all his weight on you as he walked. You held Eri's hand as you took as many fast steps as you can.
Mirio was bleeding a lot, but he didn't try and bring you down by making you carry all of him, he had his arm against the wall, pushing himself forward.

"Y/n..." You heard Eri's quiet voice, and you peered down at her. "What happened to that man?"

You were alert, and didnt want to scare her. but you couldn't lie to the girl either, she'd find out either way. "He's just a bit hurt...that's all."
It wasn't a complete lie.

You felt Mirio suddenly collapse under his weight, and all to the ground, your body half going with him. You held his shoulders as he tried to catch his breath, his head probably buzzing like hell.

"Eri, hide yourself...and wait." Mirio managed to say. "Dozens of people...are save the both of you. Please..."

You gently let go of Mirio and turned to her, a scared look on the little girl's face. "Eri, you have to listen...everything will be fine. I promised to get you out of here. I promised."

"SOMEONE ELSE IS ABOUT TO DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!" Chisaki's voice rung out across the whole building. "IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU WANT? ERI?! ERI!"

"Eri, don't listen to him. He's lying. He's a cruel person, he's- ERI!" The girl started to run, her face full of tears.

You stood up and only took one steps, before seeing the trail of blood that lead to Mirio. You were torn. You watched as Eri ran away, back towards Chisaki. You balled your hands into fists, unsure of what to do.

" have to get her back. I'll be fine." Mirio couldn't even stand.

"You're bleeding. I...I can't leave you, but I can't leave her! Motherfucker!" You kicked the wall. you looked down at your hands, and widened your eyes, realizing you had your quirk back. "Mirio, this might hurt, but put pressure on your wounds, now."

Confused, but Mirio obliged. You extended your hand to him and carefully picked him up. "Ready?"

You didn't let him respond before basically launching him away towards the furthest end of the corridor, saving him from walking so much. You saw him have a rough landing, but you were already running back to Eri.
What you didn't expect was to see the giant ass dragon that destroyed the roof of the place, letting the sun sweep into the room.

You started the run, moving around all the spikes and rubble on the ground. You looked around, trying to see who was here, but that's when you started to think back. Where the fuck was Aizawa?

Midoriya when Yn hugged him out of the blue.

Midoriya when Yn hugged him out of the blue

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