flaming garbage crap

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You aren't so fond over buses. However loud the unloved boys on the bus to school are, your fellow peers somehow make noise louder. It's like standing right next to a jet engine with super sensitive ear aids. Just to put it into perspective.

Summer camp was finally here class had to take a bus to get to the camp. Aizawa had already given up on his class, but thankfully, you were sitting up the back. Unthankfully, you were seated next to Bakugo.

"Nah, but like, do you think your mother would be up for a polygamous or whatever? Cuz, I ain't even gonna lie, your mother is the hottest milf to walk planet earth and-" you have been bugging Bakugo for 45 minutes, non stop.

"Didn't you say I looked like my mother?" The ash blond pointed out, speaking up for the first time, but there wasn't a bite in his tone.

"...I'm not perfect, I make mistakes sometime." You burn his ego down quickly. "I mean, you have some resemblance, but you choose to look like a chewed up gremlin most of the time."

"HUH?! Whatchu say?! You wanna live long enough to see next week?" He slammed his hands down on the back part of the chair in front of him, the little infamous gremlin face showing itself.

"I don't know man, maybe get a bigger mask for your costume." The marks on Bakugo's forehead grew bigger and bigger, his face turning red and his eyebrows somehow becoming more steep. "Hey man, you good? You're looking a little mad."

"You think? I mean, the flaming garbage crap is just fire right now." Denki said, as he butted into the conversation he overheard. "It's like the tire dump in the simpsons."

"I'll kill you!" Bakugo lunged forward, grabbing Denki by his collar.

"No you won't." You swatted his hand away, freeing the Pikachu boy. "And you ain't gonna be loud either, I need to sleep."

"You ain't sleeping on me." Bakugo stood up, grabbing the side of your head and shoving you towards the window. "Drool on me, and I'll kill ya."

"You really think I drool? Damn, the bar is low." You scoffed, fixing yourself into a nicer position. "Don't run off to try and annoy Midoriya, Mina will draw on me."

"Yeah, yeah." At his words, you turned yourself over, laying your head against the surprisingly smooth window and closed your eyes.

"You draw on me, and I'll throw your bag out the window." You muttered before trying to get a moments rest amongst the loud and rowdy bus. It took long enough.

As the bus drove long the sides of the mountain, the road became rocky, leaving the bus to bounce along the sides. When a singular bus tire drove over a rock or a log on the road, it bounce and your head was thrown sightly to the side, but not enough to wake you up.

Acting before his brain could function, Bakugo darted his hand to your head, holding the opposite side before you'd smack your head on the window and wake up in a grumpy mood. The bus drove on, the chatter of the class continued, but Bakugo stayed dead still, for the first time in a while, not knowing what to do.
He drifted his hand back, moving your head slowly with him to place it on the back of the chair. he figured it'd be better you have a sore neck than bitch about something for the rest of the trip.

Your head went back in an unnatural state for a few seconds, leaving Bakugo to remove his hand from the side of your head. He relaxed again, looking out the other side of the window before he visibly flinched once more. A sudden increase in weight on his shoulder made him extend his neck and turn to see a your hair in his face. Although he would later question your abilities to sleep in loud environments, he had this to deal with. With his free arm, he used it to push you back,  but your head lopsided once more, falling to rest on his shoulder. Three more attempts were made, but it proved to no avail.

"Bakubro, why don't you just leave her there. Not like it's bothering anyone." Kirishima spoke up, witnessing his friends many fails .

"She'll drool on me." Bakugo said, trying again -failing.

"if you move her head around any more she'll wake up. I've learnt that the hard way." Mina pouted, remembering the time you'd fallen asleep in the library and she decided to use your face as a canvas. Short story, you were very annoyed.

"And she doesn't drool, you're just embarrassed to have a girl sleep around you, you little softie." Denki teased, smiling brightly as he knew Bakugo couldn't hurt him without waking you up.

"Guys, she literally fell asleep on a bus with loud ass people such as yourselves, she's probably tried as hell, let her sleep." Jiro pointed out, leaning her head back a bit. "Besides, Bakugo stopped moving her head and it's kind cute."

It humoured the group was Bakugo's eyes went white as he snarled many, many curses at them, but he left you were you where. It took near 12 minutes before Mina gave up bugging him, and everyone else followed her soon after.

Bakugo made sure to not make eye contact with anyone, he was very against it in his current situation. He stared at the window with a violent intent. The class didn't seem to even notice his state, as they were busy within their own conversations or getting sleep themselves. Bakugo had relaxed a small bit after realising this, but his breathing was stiff. For some reason, he didn't want to make sudden movements in a big inhale and wake you up. He blamed it for not wanting to be slapped at 8 in the morning.

The class did see Bakugo or notice anything at all. However, putting aside the bus driver who was too focused on the road, there was another person who didn't fit into the category of the class.

Aizawa had his eyebrows crossed slightly as he sneakily turned around to see how his class was behaving. He never meant to be sneaky about it, he was just tired and made slow and lazy movements. 

Every now and then Bakugo eyes turned down to see how you were doing. It felt like a culture shock to Aizawa, (to put it in a way author can think of late at night) for one thing. Bakugo wasn't a person who'd check up on someone so often, and Aizawa noticed how he'd changed his breathing. He was providing for another person other than himself.

He was more or less shocked at you as well. Aizawa didn't have much hope for you to ever actually gain friends. He thought you too much of ass for someone to volunteer to hang out with you. He guessed it was trauma bonding when you and Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida became something of friends, but little over 3 weeks ago, you and Bakugo were throwing insults to one another without a second thought.

Aizawa turned back to the front. "Huh."

After thinking about it for some short amount of time, the result of the bus suddenly bouncing and him being too close for comfort as he narrowingly missed falling off his chair, it clicked. Aizawa deadpanned at the thought, thinking how it would muck up your hero training and future classes.

Aizawa knew. Kirishima and Midoriya had hints. The class was suspicious of it. The only oblivious ones were the loud ash blond and the sarcastic Sith Lord.

Aizawa after he figured it out

Aizawa after he figured it out

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