blood type

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The next day was mostly of training. Mirko taught you how to kick and punch. Even though you had a long history of boxing, Mirko's sense was on a whole other level. Every time she kicked the punching bag, it would fly off the rails, where as yours would twist around and jerk from side to side before stopping.
She lived up to being the 12th best hero in Japan. In the next Hero Rankings, you wouldn't be surprised if she got into the top 5. She was only 26 as well...but she was fucking short. It's always the short ones.

"Tomorrow we'll be going to Hosu. I have business with Endeavour. You'll go out on patrol with his intern and his side-kicks." Mirko says, yet again, re-attaching the punching bag for you.

"Endeavour has an intern? What idiot would go with him?"
Apparently that idiot was his son.

You stared at Todoroki as he stood by his father's side. Your top lip curled in confusion and your eyebrows crossed, you recalled the trash that Canada over here talking about the flame hero. Man low key abused his wife and children in more ways than one, and yet he still choose him as an intern.

Todoroki's blank face bored into yours. Endeavour and Mirko were talking nearby. You took two slow steps towards Todoroki, the same scowl on your face.
" are are a fucking mindboggle."

"..what?" Todoroki tilted his head, unsure of what you just said.

"Did you choose him because he was your dad, or because you have some sick revenge plot planned out?" You leaned your head in, narrowing your eyes.

"...I...don't understand." He seemed so different then from the 'we're not friends just because we've met before'...what the hell happened? "Why would you know about that?"


"Your fight with Midoriya about how it's your quirk. Your dad's reaction, exacta, exacta." You brushed it off. "Now answer my question."

"Well, I'm actually here fo-"

"L/n, Shoto, let's move!" Endeavour suddenly shouted. "Something's going on downtown, move!"

You looked to Mirko and started to follow her, leaving Todoroki's question for another day. Mirko was already out jumping over rooftops, leaving you three buildings behind the hero. As you got closer to the fight, you could see fire and hear people screaming and running away.

You saw a flash of green light, you saw Midoriya start to run away from the fight. You paused, watching him run from rooftop to rooftop and getting further away from the fire. You shook it off, guessing he was just told to move away. You started to ran back to Mirko, using your quirk to get there as quickly as you could.

When you got to the scene, you couldn't find Mirko, but there was fire and people everywhere. Your eyes widened at the sight of the Nomu's attacking everything. You remembered the one at the USJ...not a great memory.

If the Nomu returned, does that mean it had a brother or sister? Siblings? How many more were there? Are the league of Villains here as well?
As you started to get people away, you felt your phone bing.

Now, let's get one thing straight here (bc ur author is not-) nobody ever texts you. Not your classmates, even though you still have to figure out how they got your phone number. Your uncle texts you in the middle of the night when your sleeping, and he wouldn't text you when you were out on patrol. So, let's make it clear that when you took a glance at your phone, it was not because your additive, it was in light of whoever was texting you might of had a reason too. Your guess it was Mirko trying to find you, but no.

Instead, it was Midoriya's you were confused. Midoriya ran away from the fight only to text you where he was? Something don't add up. You mental noted the area and got the last person out before running to where Midoriya was.
He was in an urgent situation with Nomu's around, there was a reason he was giving out his location.

KARMA ๏ KATSUKI BAKUGOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें