titanic kinda level

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You passed...

You actually passed the test. You were holding your hero license in your hands, and yet it didn't feel real. You passed the exam, and -you fucking passed the fucking exam. As amazing as you felt and how euphoric it was, both Todoroki and Bakugo didn't pass.

Luck just so happened to be your friend, and you were sitting next to the fuming Bakugo on the bus back to the school.

"Well, at least you have a second chance. I'm mean, your street smart and all, so the only thing you really need to learn is how to communicate like a normal person." You shrugged at him as there was steam running off his head. "Should so you good too, by learning some fucking manners."

"You sound like my mother." He grumbles.

"Well your mothers correct! You have the mannerism of a fucking gorilla." You almost shouted. "It's only something small you need to work on, not that big of a deal."

"You got a 84 on the test, shut up." He scoffed, resting his head on his hand. "And your manners aren't that great either, your a fucking bitch."

"A bitch who passed." You elbowed his side for the comment. "I was practically taught etiquette by the nanny I used to have...such a bitch."

"You had a nanny?" This was what really got him interested in the conversation? Really?

"Yeah, my parents were pros, they were out all the time. Mindy was her name, and she reeked of old people smell. I mean just our-right disgusting. And she would sit my ass down and force me, a 4 year old, to learn all the different types of forks and housewife shit, it was so bad. She could dance though, but she broke her hip and died in the surgery, so maybe not that great..."

As you and Bakugo conversed in whatever mindfuck of a conversation you were having, a group of their fellow classmates sat together discussing them exactly.

"I think their both in denial." Kirishima pointed out. "They don't even realise when their flirting with each other."

"They're both stubborn and it's complicated."

"I've caught Bakugo just looking over at her and broski started to smile. It was horror movie type shit, but also romance, titanic kinda level." Denki sighed. "...God, they are both so stupid."

"I believe they both see each as mutual friends who are quite open with one another, but without realising it, they are liking each other at the same time." Todoroki suddenly popped into the conversation, scaring some of the group. "...Also, I believe Y/n will make the first move."

"Bakugo is such a wuss." Mina agreed. "Five dollars on it."

"I'm going with Kacchan." Midoriya was rooting for his childhood 'friend' based on knowledge of that Y/n was actually kind of shy but had thick skin and a temper and Bakugo was Bakugo. 

Everyone else agreed with Midoriya since he knew Bakugo the most. It was Mina and Todoroki against the class.

"Hey, also can we just talk about Y/n's squishy cheeks? God, they are so cute." Uraraka said, moving her own cheeks. "I never noticed them before since she rarely smiled, but I think she might actually enjoy out company because she's been smiling a lot lately."

"I've been trying to get her to make more friends since she said she's never had one, and I thought my plan wasn't working, but excluding the recent events in her life, she's seems to be really happy." Midoriya mentioned. "I like your cheeks as well, Uraraka."

"What? I don't know- who?" Uraraka became a flustered mess at this and Midoriya just smiled sweetly.

You woke up the next morning to find out that Midoriya and Bakugo were both suspended from school for a few days on the account that they snuck out and fought each other. When Iida informed you of this, you grew a grin and saying walked over to Bakugo.

"Sooo." You started a conversation very casually. "Your suspended? Damn, what a bummer."

He turned to look at you, not impressed at all. "What'd ya want?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing." You shrugged. "Just wondering if you think manners are a good idea right no-"

"Shut up!"
"Don't yell at me, it's 7 in the morning!"
"Don't piss me off!"
"Go piss on yourself, you wank stain!"
"You eat your breakfast, you vanilla loser!"
"Go get suspended again!"
"Go get a life!"
"Go get an education...oh, wait, your suspended!"
"What kind of bullshit was that?!"
"It's called a sense of humor, their fun, you should get one!"
"Hey, don't hate me because I'm beautiful!"
"You know what, I'm too mature for this!"
"You are as a mature as a cabbage!"
"You are a cabbage!"
"Your lucky I let you breath the same air as me!"
"Your loss!"

You stopped yelling at each other since you were running out os insults, but the look on Bakugo's face was one you kinda missed. The look where steam blows out of his ears and his eyes looked like the devil.

At this point you couldn't contain your laughter, and you just let it out. You saw the mad look on his face and you just had to laugh. He looked so damn constipated and it cracked you up. The argument which was held literally seconds ago had left your mind, and you were too focus on trying not to the the laughter tears fall. 

"Oh, man, you really gotta fix your face." You dried the tears from your eyes. "I mean, the hole constipated face is getting old."

"I hate you."

"Mmh-kay, sure." You sighed, getting rid of all the goofy silly shit your just went though. "Okay, but really though. You need to work on your manners, it's getting embarrassing. Even for me."

Bakugo shook his head and broke eye contact with you. "Remind me to kill you, please?"

"You know, I think it's the words your saying, I don't know though. Maybe. Just taking a wild guess here." You raised your hands in the air.

"You know, if you actually don't move, I will shove you into this trash bag." He started to grin as he pulled the trash bag up.

"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you." You pressed your lips into thin lipped smile as you teased him.

"More than you know." He had a smile on his face with a look you couldn't decipher.

As you looked back to him, you froze. Your face dropping for the split of the second as you saw his mile. The realization sweeping in. As you looked at his smile, only one thought came to mind:

Oh shit.

The rest of the class just watching Yn and Bakugo and being unsure if they are flirting or starting a fight, bc I don't know wtf I was writing.

The rest of the class just watching Yn and Bakugo and being unsure if they are flirting or starting a fight, bc I don't know wtf I was writing

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