don't say anything

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You jolted awake, your breath heavy and fast as you woke up in a pool of your own sweat. Your hands shaking slightly from the nightmare. You stared blankly at the dark room, recalling what happened in it even though you didn't want to.

You slowly placed your hand on your heart, feeling it beat quickly. You changed your top since it was sweated out. You ran a hand through your hair, breathing a shuddered breath. You closed your eyes, trying to rid the memories of the previous night with the villains-

Was that an explosion?

The small explosion caught you off guard. It wasn't loud enough for a villain break in, but it was a fucking explosion so it was something. You grabbed your crutches and made your way to Bakugo's room, on the way, hearing another explosion.

You lightly knocked on the door, hearing nothing but silence was you stood outside.

"You better not sleep naked." You whispered as you opened the door, seeing Bakugo on the edge of his bed with his hands in his hair. When he saw the door opened, he instantly rose to his feet.

"Get out."

"You have a nightmare?" The silence answered your question. He said it himself he doesn't like to lie. " did I."


"My god, your so..." you sighed. "I just woke up, and I heard your explosion so I just wanted to see if everything was okay...I'll leave now."

You turned back around No headed for the door, your hand just grabbing onto the door knob when -

"Wait." You paused, not expecting this from Bakugo. "You...just stay here, dumbass."

"Wow, you really know how to talk a girl up." You sarcastically commented as you crutch-walked over to Bakugo. "Mind if I sit?"

He shook his head. So much more nicer in the night. 

"What was yours about." He was asking about the nightmare. Your nightmare.

"Just the villains...they, you know, imagination is much stronger than reality, so it was pretty graphic." You looked down to your knee.

"Does it hurt?" Bakugo asked after he followed your eyes down.

"Sometimes." You admitted, "but, it's getting better. He wacked it pretty hard." You forced a laugh. "The threat I made was so shitty."

You heard a breath of laughter from the boy. "It was...creative."

"Creative? That's not how I would describe it. God...he really did swing like a bitch though, I mean, I could've done more damage!"

He laughed slightly, it went away quickly. Like how his original feelings were still more powerful and he just broke for a moment.

"Are you okay, truthfully?" After a moment, he asked the question.

You opened your mouth to say something, but the words you wanted to say just couldn't come out. You looked away and sighed.

"No." You stood up, standing in the middle of his dark room. "No, I'm not."

If you had pockets, your hands would be in them. You didn't dare to look at him in the eyes.

"I'm really not. I mean." You scoffed in a laughing manner, "my entire family is dead now. Well, my brother is a live but he wants me dead, and my home for the majority of my life is now being sold because it burnt to the ground, and everything I have left I can fit into my hands -and not to mention my fucking knee. Aizawa won't let me do any hero training for a while so I can't take my mind off anything, and these detailed ass nightmares aren't helping."

He just sat and listened.

"I really thought life was good, you know. But of course, if your an L/n, life can't be easy for you! That's not how it goes! You gotta deal with so much shit and then blow it off like it's nothing."

At this point, you weren't sad anymore. You were just mad. Furious, actually. There was shuffling from Bakugo and you were about to gaze over to see what Bakugo was doing when his arms wrapped you around in a lazy hug. You froze.

"Don't. Just don't say anything." So you didn't.

You couldn't. You didn't know what to say. Bakugo, of all people was giving you a hug he voluntarily made the decision to do. It really wasn't like him. The willingness to allow you in his room, the conversation, the hug. Maybe the villains attack...

He's hugging me because he is the one needing a hug. He needs comfort, but doesn't want to admit it...

Or at least, that's what you told yourself.

Hey, sorry this is a short chapter and all, but I recently got a comment on this chapter in the trauma dumping joke I made, and this person made a suggestion, and I thought, 'hey, that's neat, why not do it?' So now we are here.

Originally, there wasn't a chapter for this, but I added it in.

How Bakugo was comforting himself before Y/n walked in 

How Bakugo was comforting himself before Y/n walked in 

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