starting base

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"HEYO! Make some noise all you crazy sports fans, get those camera ready. This year, we're brining you some of the hottest performances in UA festival history, guaranteed!" Present Mic's voice echo through the stadium. "Let me hear you scream as the students make their way to the main stage!"

You walked out on the stage, cheers from the growing number in the crowds filled your ears. You didn't look up at them, you knew it would make you feel pressured. You kept your poker face on and walked to where you were asked to go.
As you were all placed into one group, you stood next to Kirishima and Denki as Midnight came on the stage.

"Someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing." Kirishima said, blushing.

"Silence everyone! ...And for the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugo!" Midnight yelled out, whipping her questionable whip. Bakguo made his way up to the stand and everyone waited for him to speak.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." The confident Bakugo said.

Within a second, the entire stadium filled with 'boos' and insults lost in the crowd. You however, took it as a challenge. You quite enjoyed proving people wrong. 

"...Without further ado, it's time get started!" The R-rated hero got everyone on their seats. "The first fateful game of the festival! What could it be?"

A screen popped out and rolled a bunch of cards around. It stopped on the obstacle race card. Midnight then went on to explain the basics of the obstacle course.

A race filled with 3 obstacles around the arena and you would be rank on whoevercame through the other end of the staduim first.
As the 1st years made their way over to the starting stage, you began to think of stratagies to win.

There had to be around 120 1st years all togther and to get into the next game, I would have be within the top numbers.
UA didnt seem like the type to be generous. Aizawa showed that on the first day of school, so a reasonable number of students that would pass would somewhere around the 30s.
If I want to get somewhere with my life and this could help with a shortcut to success, then aiming within the 15 would be my best bet.

You looked around to scout out the compition. If they are able to be near your level, then their compition. They managed to get into UA, so they couldnt be terrible.
It was already getting crowded and the entrance to the course wasnt all that big.

Its going to get crowded quickly, meaning running would be hard. 120 odd kids pushing and shoving each other, all the while with full permission to use their quirks could possibly put you behind.

"Get ready!" Midnight called out.
The light above you up high where like traffic lights. One went red.

I need to be quick this.

"Get set!" Midnight yelled as the orange light went off. A few excited cheers went through the staduim.

How do I use my quirk against this mob? And how the fuck would it work?


The doors opened and people wasted no time to rush forward. Not wanting to fall behind, you mindlessly run forward, straight into someone's elbow.
You swear, you saw red when you death glared the green-eyed blondie boy who clearlt didnt seem to care.

With the new annoyance you just gathered, you had an idea to move the mob of teens.
Concentrating as best you could, you twitch your head up and used your quirk.
A row of people flung into the air, obvisouly comfused on how they ended up their. You didnt uesitate to run forward, doing the same thing as the row began to close.

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