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In the national Dagona area, the hero commission held the hero school license exam for all year groups. The class had only just gotten off the bus.

"Ah, I'm getting nervous." Jiro sighed, shivering slightly as she slumped.

You, as shocking as it was, felt an unbearable amount of fear creep into you. You haven't trained long enough to enter in the exam, out of everyone in the whole exam you probably trained the least. It would be a miracle if you got passed the first five minutes.

"I'm not even going to pass." You mumbled to yourself, clutching the the strap of your bag a little tighter.

"Y/n." You basically flinched when Aizawa appeared out of no where. "It's not about weather you can or can't pass. Go and get it."

"Right." You nodded slowly as he turned to face the class. Where did he come from?

"If you can pass the test and get your licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks, then you'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best." As Aizawa had the shocking excuse for a pep talk, you had held back the urge to cackle.

As Kirishima was saying something himself, you couldn't help but noticed the guy who you never met before sneak up with the class and join in on the 'plus ultra' thing Kirishima had going, making it awkward for everyone.


His classmate didn't hesitate to call him out for it, making the guy literally smash his head into the concrete ground as he bowed and apologised. You held back another snicker, clutching your stomach.


"What's with this guy and his enthusiasm?" Denki asked, putting his weight into one foot and pointing at the weird guy.

 You recognised the uniform. When in your isolation hell of two or so weeks, you looked up the competition you would be dealing with. The uniform belong to a hero school in the east of Japan, Shikestu high. If you flunked UA, you would've ended up going to that school. You were recommended for it by the principal who was an old friend of your fathers, but UA was the main goal. The guy was quite friendly and open when you met him.

"I love UA high!" Inasa yelled with fire in his eyes. "I am extremely honoured to be completing against UA high school students!"

As you smiled awkwardly and forcefully at him, you got a smell of something that was all too familiar. The perfume hit you like a brick and the memory of waking up in front of the blood-thirsty weird chick at the bar came flooding back.

"Oh, blood." The mention of what was on your mind made you whip your head around and stare at the girl that said that. She had medium length hair, brown eyes and golden blonde hair. She didn't look like the girl...but you could smell the 'Victoria Secret Bombshell' perfume anywhere. Toga made you sit down and have a whole ass conversation about it while twisting a knife in her hands.

You balled your hands into fists and glared at the girl, who glanced back at you, having to double take. For a moment their was a small glare on her part, but she ended it with a wink.

"Y/n! You went to UA! How amazing!" Inasa just had to notice you, breaking your eye contact with the girl. He stomped forward and grabbed your hand, shaking it and making your entire body shake with it. "How are you doing?"

"Boy, you better let go of my hand." You warned him, pulling your hand back and making him laugh.

"Ahah! Wonderful! Well, I'll catch you later!" He smiled and waved goodbye.

"Please don't." You deadpanned, wiping the blood that dripped on your hand off your hand.

You didn't bother fake smiling at him as he left. You said 'hi' to him once, and he acts all familiar with you. Wiping your hand on your skirt, you walked over to Aizawa, hatching a plan, but needing his assistance.

"Hey, Aizawa." He turned his dead eyes in your direction. "If I 'accidentally' killed Inasa in the exam, and 'accidentally' erased his entire existence, would you tell anyone?" He didn't look impressed at all. " that a no?"

"Eraser!" The man flinched so hard you got he was just shot. "Eraser is that you!?"

You looked over in the direction of who was calling his name. "I've seen you on TV and the sports festival, but it's been so long since I've seen you in person!" A woman with teal hair and an orange bandana and the most ridiculous pants you ever seen walked up to Eraser with a smile on her face. Aizawa looked to be in pain.

"Let's get married."


You slapped a hand over your face in shock. What the hell was the relation between the two. The woman started laughing and you stood in horror as Aizawa borderlines insulted her about how difficult she was to talk to as she laughed.

As Midoriya went spin about who she was, you couldn't help but stare in shock at her bluntness, also because who would marry a homeless dude like Aizawa? The most colourful thing you seen him wear was grey.

"If we get married, we can make a great family with never ending laughter!" She grinned, pointing between her and Aizawa.

"A family like that can't be happy. That sounds like an actual nightmare." The borderline insults that we're turning into roasts were only getting better, but the chick was still laughing her ass off.

"Goddamn, you are bold." You mumble.

"And who are you? You haven't laughed at any of my jokes yet! Are sure your not Aizawa's kid?" She giggled.

"Wow, okay- Um..." another shocker of a face on your part, what was this exam turning into.

After Ms (I'm not actually funny, it's just my quirk) Joke left with her class which was strongly introduced to us, Aizawa had us prepare for the exam.

This is the filler chapter, I'm not going to include the provisional license exam as it's too long and I need to finish this slow burn before I get over it. I haven't done shit, but the next chapters will be better I promise.

I'm just going to blame this on giving Y/n so much attention, and needing for her to have a story and a life and a reason in this book other than just for romance. But that's is the main source, sooooo.

Low key me, reading through this and seeing not an ounce of Bakugo x Yn in this chapter at all.

Low key me, reading through this and seeing not an ounce of Bakugo x Yn in this chapter at all

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
KARMA ๏ KATSUKI BAKUGONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ