rigid promise

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"Everyone in Class A and Class B!" Mandalay's voice echoed in your head, the use of her quirk most likely casting to everyone. "In the name of the pro hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat-"

She didn't have to tell you twice. You swung your fist around, knocking Hisa against the trees. Once he grabbed hold of one of the branches and threw it at you as he broke it off, you lost contact with him and stumbled back.

"We have discovered some of the villains targets! Two students - 'Kacchan' and Y/n!!" Oh great, so it's you as well. "Kacchan, Y/n, do your best to avoid combat and acting independently!"

"Ain't that a bitch." You mumbled under your breath as you ducked from Hisa's jump. He relied on his quirk too much that his combat was near shit- at least, from the last time you saw him.

As Hisa tumbled along the ground, he unsheathed a small knife from his hip, twirling it in his hands. You lowered your head, dropping yourself into a stance. By touching someone, he had enough control over them, but by drawing blood, he had complete control over a person's body with ease, allowing them to talk and use their quirk for his doings.

"Really? Your showing off magic tricks?" You annoyed him as he finished with the little stunt.

"Somebody say magic?"

A hand fell on your shoulder from behind you and then it was as if your body couldn't move. It felt as if it was trapped inside some little ball.

Shit, just had to do the one thing I was trying to avoid.

From your vision, it was blurry, but it seemed as if you were being thrown around or tossed through the air- no, like you were gliding through the air on someone's hand. A gloved hand. You were moving fast, it was as if everything was moving twice as fast as it should be when suddenly-

You were out of the ball, and beginning to fall in mid-air. There was a person in front of you, wearing the same mask, in a trench coat with some cane in his hand.

"See! Believe me now?" He said, as if he were playing some game. You reached your hand up, grabbing onto his and pulled yourself up, kneeing him in the stomach.

Then, just as quickly as you got out, you felt as if you were transported back into the strange ball thing. You looked around yourself, trying to find something. The ice was comforting, knowing it could only belong to Canada.

It was fast, everything was too fast for you to understand the situation. There was moments of darkness, light, what looked like blue flames which was strange since fire quirks are dime a dozen. But, those flames looked familiar. Then suddenly you were released again, and the shining light of a metal baseball bat came striking in your direction.

When it hit you, your head throbbed and your a few moments at a time you lost feeling and consciousness. Now, instead of things moving too fast, they were going incredibly slow. The face of your brother smirking as he pulled you through a warp that looked all too familiar.

The screams of Midoriya and then the sound of Bakugo croaking out an order to the green haired boy.
You were spinning, or at least, it felt as if you were spinning. It wasn't long until you black out, echos of voices disappearing around you.

The smell of some expensive perfume woke you up. You flinched when you saw an all to familiar girl with space buns looking at you with a estranged smile on her face.

Is that Victoria Secret Bombshell perfume? What the fuck?

"You finally woke up!" She beamed. "I knew from the second I could smell you! You have the same smell as me! There's someone you like, right?!"

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